LMTDTHR 在白皮书- TS7700 Library Request Command中引入。 主机写入 TS7700 集群,并且入站拷贝在此状态下继续。 高速缓存资源不足 当高速缓存中剩余的可用空间少于 1 TB 时,会发生此状态。 当高速缓存通过此阈值并进入 "高速缓存外资源" 状态时,它将保持此状态,直到高速缓存中的可用空间量超过 3.5 TB 为止。
TS7700 发行说明 – (R3.3 PGA 2)说明书 TS7700 Release Notes – (R3.3 PGA 2)IBM System Storage TS7700 Release Notes for the TS7700 (3957 VEB / V07) -EC: M13888 released January 13, 2017 New Function Supported:- A new LI REQ command for grid resiliency ...
Use the MVS LIBRARY,REQUEST command to request information pertaining to the current operational state of the TS7700 Virtualization Engine, its logical and physical volumes, and its physical resources. This command can also be used to perform outboard operations at the library. Based on the operatio...
LIBRARY REQUESTlibrary-name,SETTING,CACHE,REMOVE,{ENABLE|DISABLE} The default automatic removal threshold can be changed from the command line, by using the following library request command: LIBRARY REQUESTlibrary-name,SETTING,CACHE,REMVTHR,{VALUE} ...
A library request (LI REQ) command option that is used to change the way virtual volumes are managed in the tape volume cache. The option temporarily overrides the virtual volume's preference group while the volume is in cache. It also keeps a virtual volume in cache for a longer time by...
network performance and the number of copy tasks for 25 GB volumes, consider increasing the volume copy timeout time from the default value of 180 minutes to 240 minutes if the copies are timing out. This can be done using the TS7700 Management Interface or using a Library Request Command....
Whether delays occur and by how much is configurable through the Library Request command. In sync mode copy, data synchronization is up to implicit or explicit sync point granularity across two clusters within a grid configuration. In order to provide a redundant copy of these items with a zero...
组成虚拟磁带子系统的 TS7700 Virtualization Engine , 3953 L05 Library Manager 和 aTS3500 磁带库的组合。 集群系列 在重要产品数据 (VPD) 中配置了具有相同系列值的一组集群。 命令行界面 (command-line interface, CLI) 一种计算机界面,其中的输入和输出都基于文本。
See command-line interface. cluster The combination of a TS7700 Virtualization Engine, 3953 L05 Library Manager, and aTS3500 Tape Library to form a virtual tape subsystem. cluster family A group of clusters all configured with the same family value in vital product data (VPD). command-line int...
3. Tape Copy Export Recovery – Provides a way to test and restore from the loss of an entire TS7700 grid and where the only surviving data is stored in a physical tape library. 4. Cloud Pool Retention – Provides a way for users to enable a retention period to hold older versions of...