使用代码编辑器功能:许多现代代码编辑器(如Visual Studio Code)提供了未使用变量的高亮显示功能,可以帮助及时发现并处理这些问题。 遵循良好的编码习惯:在编写代码时,尽量保持逻辑的完整性和代码的整洁性,避免冗余的变量声明。 自动化工具:使用ESLint等静态代码分析工具,可以帮助自动检测并修复这类问题。
{"build":"nest build","format":"prettier --write\"src/**/*.ts\"\"test/**/*.ts\"","start":"nest start","start:dev":"nest start --watch","start:debug":"nest start --debug --watch","start:prod":"node dist/main","lint":"eslint\"{src,apps,libs,test}/**/*.ts\"--...
问将TS6133 (已声明但从不读取)显示为警告而不是错误EN今天一位客户说网站错误页面返回的状态码是302...
Relying on Eslint won't get that done. It will work if your CI runs tests & lint before building which is the pretty usual pattern. Nonetheless, an unused variable is not a reason why build should fail. With tree shaking in place, it will be removed anyway from the resulting bundle. ...
I faced the same issue in my project. I think instead RefType there should be_- as a wildcard. In this example: export type ResolversInterfaceTypes<_ extends Record<string, unknown>> = { Node: City | Country; }; But changing generated code is not desired and super annoying. Is there...