I faced the same issue in my project. I think instead RefType there should be_- as a wildcard. In this example: export type ResolversInterfaceTypes<_ extends Record<string, unknown>> = { Node: City | Country; }; But changing generated code is not desired and super annoying. Is there...
If you use tw just as an element prop, TypeScript doesn't think it's being used if I have noUnusedLocals: true in my tsconfig.json. I could disable this warning in TS, or // @ts-ignore, but is there a better way of dealing with it? 👍 2 ...
The functions declared in the output parser cause TS6133 errors when attempting to compile with typescript. This is because understandably, not all functions that are provided by builtins and generators are used in a user's grammar. How to reproduce: ...
It replaces the custom test tool nameddisabledthat fullfilled this function before this patch. Disabled features is useful information outside of the test suite. Example: