ts6000sb.cat 是一个CAT文件类型,它主要用于驱动程序对文件的校验,当运行或安装驱动程序时,系统利用CAT文件的信息,对每一个驱动程序文件校验(校验:文件是否完整,数字签名是否被篡改,等等)。 在没有为设备安装驱动程序之前,操作系统是无法直接操控设备的,系统必须使用驱动程序对硬件设备发出对应的指令,才能操作各种设备...
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Strong:Dual-balance signal differential receiver/driver circuit to avoid Anti-interference:interference of converter, TV towerhigh voltage line etc. Powerful Recording FunctionAutomatically record the following data:1. The totalizer data of the last 512 days/128 months/10 years 2. The time and corres...
SP-STDBY:EARL Driver:lyra_purge_search:process_push_event_list failed%SYS-SP-STDBY-2-MALLOCFAIL: Memory allocation of 1400 bytes failed from 0x409928B4, alignment 8 Pool: Processor Free: 7544 Cause: Memory fragmentation Alternate Pool: None Free: 0 Cause: No Alternate pool ...
(SP by Abort) System Receives a Software Forced Crash System Returns to ROM by Unknown Reload Cause %PM_SCP-1-LCP_FW_ERR %SYSTEM_CONTROLLER-3-FATAL 风扇失灵造成 Supervisor 故障 交换机自动重置/重启 配备 DFC 的模块自动重置 从错误设备引导造成故障 CONST_DIAG-2-HM_SUP_CRSH EARL Driver:lyra_...
As a standalone event again, the OS+H Asia - 9th Occupational Safety + Health Exhibition for Asia attracted 157 exhibitors from 18 countries and attracted 5,800 trade visitors from Singapore and the region May 7-9 at Suntec Singapore. “We have had excel
EARL Driver:lyra_purge_search:process_push_event_list失败 在启动过程中,Cisco Catalyst 6500/6000 交换机可能意外地重新启动。故障日志可能显示类似于以下内容的系统消息: 活动的 Supervisor 模块中: %SYS-SP-2-MALLOCFAIL: Memory allocation of 320000 bytes failed from 0x40BCF26C, alignment 8 Pool: Process...
SP-STDBY:EARL Driver:lyra_purge_search:process_push_event_list failed%SYS-SP-STDBY-2-MALLOCFAIL: Memory allocation of 1400 bytes failed from 0x409928B4, alignment 8 Pool: Processor Free: 7544 Cause: Memory fragmentation Alternate Pool: None Free: 0 Cause: No Alternate pool ...
EARL Driver: lyra_purge_search:process_push_event_list failed The Cisco Catalyst 6500/6000 Switches can unexpectedly reload during the bootup process. The crash log can display system messages similar to these: From the active Supervisor module: %SYS-SP-2-MALLOCFAIL: Memory allocation of 3200...