一个子类tec //这个类在外部的node1.js文件中 function user(id,name在node中的模块,相当于java中的...
error: TS2306 [ERROR]: File'https://cdn.skypack.dev/-/chai@v4.3.4-4LD1LjgHWVQjvyMFe7sm/dist=es2019,mode=types/index.d.ts'is not a module. import chai from"https://cdn.skypack.dev/chai@4.3.4?dts";~~~ at file:///C:/Users/Roy/Downloads/sinon_example.ts:8:18 Related to"m...
'file is not a module' error when using relative path ./lodash, no error if using plain lodash Contributor mhegazy commented Sep 2, 2016 The issue here is that @types\lodash\index.d.ts is not a module. it is a global file that defines a module called "lodash" in the global scope...