namespace namespaceA{export namespaceB{export functionA() {namespaceC.functionB}}export namespaceC{export functionB() {return console.log('这是命名空间c里面的函数b!')}export functionC() {return console.log('这是命名空间C里面的函数C!')}}}namespaceA.namespaceB.functionA // 这是命名空间...
type SpaceDrawerRef = InstanceType<typeof SpaceDrawer>; // 同步移除物联树的节点 (this.$refs.spaceDrawer as SpaceDrawerRef).removeCheckNode(delRoomNode[0]); 采用高级类型InstanceType可取得vue组件实例SpaceDrawer。 vue中重新声明data中属性的类型 vue中的类型得益于vue.extend能自动推断类型,但是有时候你需...
it "regression #374 string literal type argument with space" <| fun _ -> runRegressionTest "#374-string-literal-type-argument-with-space"// it "regression #375 optional tuple gets converted into optional second value" <| fun _ -> ...
The Chameleon Labs TS-2 is a unique multi-pattern large diaphragm tube condenser microphone. The accompanying power supply features adjustable filament voltage to give you control over your tone. Adjustment of the HEATER VOLTAGE control will allow custom tailoring of the microphone to your exact requ...
查看execute()方法,主要思想如下://根据Action名称finalActionName及要调用的方法finalMethodName来new一个代理对象proxy,并执行之# proxy =actionProxyFactory.createActionProxy(finalNamespace, # finalActionName, finalMethodName, extraContext); # proxy.execute(); ...
(400 to 800 millimeters) to an impressive 1,000 millimeters. Overall, the new SCARAs are considerably more compact than their predecessors and are far less greedy in terms of space. And they have a bonus feature – for the first time, the four-axis machine can be ordered with an optional...
关注数 15 粉丝数 0 TA的创建 默认收藏夹30 默认收藏夹 创建者:小耿同学Ts2播放次数:0 30个内容·公开 播放全部视频 批量操作 最近收藏 当前 00:28 播放:98.4万 收藏:4.4万 UP主:奇梦先生_ 投稿:1-20 “定格让幸福具象化” 收藏于: 1-23
TS~2 attendance, floor space up TS~2, the annual event for exhibit and event marketers sponsored by Trade Show Exhibitors Association and owned and produced by National Trade Productions, was successful this year in terms of growth and attendee satisfaction. Among the ... B Axelson - 《B to...
args: Namespace(platforms_config_file='/home/openharmony/out/preloader/rk3568/', subsystem_config_file='/home/openharmony/out/preloader/rk3568/subsystem_config.json', example_subsystem_file=None, exclusion_modules_config_file='/home/openharmony/out/preloader/rk3568/exclusion_modules.json...
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