shell script for flashing the open source soldering iron firmware (ironos) to compatible devices hexflashfirmwarebootlogoironts100solderingsainsmartts80ts80pironosflipskyminiwarepro32sequresq-001novellife UpdatedOct 10, 2024 Shell PTS200 soldering iron firmware with some minor enhancements ...
There's no firmware backup, just revert to the official firmware the same way. How to play Hold button B to start the game. Press A or B to move, A+B or hold B to rotate, hold A to drop, hold both buttons to quit. Each time you lose the game the soldering iron tip temperature...
The custom firmware is developed by Ralim on Github. The firmware can be found here: Why do you want to update the TS100 to the custom firmware? There are many new features made available by the new custom firmware, but the most important ones to me and ...
I found it quite common that while you keep the pen like soldering iron in your hand, the Y accelerometer axis // to be oriented to a direction that otherwise at iron horizontal position would trigger a display orientation change. For // example you are left handed. When you start working...
devices that is easily bricked by a failed firmware upgrade, so we were simply presented with an error file rather than a dead iron. A soldering iron is in essence a hardware device not a software one, and the shipped firmware version is fine for soldering, so that’s what we’re ...