import { debounce } from "ts-debounce"; const debouncedFunction = debounce(originalFunction, waitMilliseconds, options);originalFunction the function which we want to debounce waitMilliseconds how many seconds must pass after most recent function call, for the original function to be called ...
可以对监听函数添加debounce(防抖动)解决这个问题,ts版本的debounce实现如下: functiondeBounce<T>(fn: T, delay: number): () => void{lettimer:NodeJS.Timeoutreturnfunction():void{constargs:any[],val=>val);if(timer){clearTimeout(timer);}timer=setTimeout(()=>...
tsdebouncethrottle.zipTr**欺骗 上传120.51 KB 文件格式 zip ts版的节流防抖函数 点赞(0) 踩踩(0) 反馈 所需:1 积分 电信网络下载 bigdata-service 2025-02-06 21:27:23 积分:1 GPHandMade 2025-02-06 21:25:44 积分:1 Yunzai-AliorpsePlugins 2025-02-06 21:20:27 积分:1 ...
lodash 的 节流(throttle) 和 防抖(debounce) 例:每隔300毫秒执行一次 onConfigDialogClick函数 <el-button type="primary"@click="saveDebounce">确定</el-button>//引用import { throttle}from'throttle-debounce-ts';//使用privatesaveDebounce = throttle(300,this.onConfigDialogClick);//点击确定按钮onConfig...
vue+ts修改父组件属性的写法。 2019-12-23 21:27 − 部分代码如下: 父组件: <coupon :modifyFlag.sync="flag" /> data() { return { &... 洛晨随风 0 1692 ts类与修饰符 2019-12-20 12:36 − 最近在用egret做游戏,就接触到了ts,刚开始的时候觉得类挺难的,毕竟大多数的JavaScript工程师工作...
1.防抖(debounce) 在事件被触发n秒后再执行回调,如果在这n秒内又被触发,则重新计时;典型的案例就是输入搜索:输入结束后n秒才进行搜索请求,n秒内又输入的内容,就重新计时。 通俗理解,就是我们在点击请求或者点击加载等过程中,只需要点击一次,但由于请求慢,点击了好多次,导致多次请求,防抖就是在点击了好多次之后...
onChange={(e) => this.setState({ name: })} /> <DebounceDemo name={}/> ); } }render(<App />, document.getElementById('root'));Compiling application & starting dev server… Console Clear on reload...
Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly Cancel Create saved search Sign in Sign up {{ message }} boycgit / ts-debounce-throttle Public Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings Fork 10 Star 5 Code Issues Pull requests ...
Debounce decorator for Vue.js 2 using vue-class-component. Based on ts-debounce. Install yarn add vue-ts-debounce Usage In the example below, increment is called at most every 500ms. <template> {{ value }} </template> import Vue from "vue" import Component from "vue-class-component"...
npm install ts-debounce If you preferyarn, install using the command below yarn add ts-debounce Function arguments import{debounce}from"ts-debounce";constdebouncedFunction=debounce(originalFunction,waitMilliseconds,options); originalFunction the function which we want to debounce ...