Compact TS-590S Mini-manual. Size, 4.5x8 inches. Twenty high-quality laminated pages, loaded with detailed instructions for setting-up and operating this Kenwood transceiver. Includes instructions on all features of the radio: SSB, AM, FM, CW, RTTY, DSP Noise Reduction, DSP Bandpass Filtering...
Manual 说明发布日期文件下载文件容量(KB) Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Norwegian (bokmal), Other, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Ukrainian Simple guide2017> Download> View6,387KB...
[资料简介]kenwood建伍 TS-590S短波电台维修手册, PCM2903B USB2512BI CP2102SX0567 ADF4111BRUZ AD9951YSVZ F364AEDFBKDUA本音响维修手册为电子版-电路图 PCM2903B USB2512BI CP2102SX0567 ADF4111BRUZ AD9951YSVZ F364AEDFBKDUA 大小:6.19 MB 格式:PDF 语言:英文 English Service Manual Download 页数:1...
(Refer to the user manual for details on how to use the TS-990S.) 4.1.1 Setting up an Audio Input Route from the Rear Terminal Select the USB Audio to the audio source line to transmit audio that is input by the USB audio function. By default, when in DATA mode (DATA 1, DATA ...