UU47 Kenwood TS-570D $649.95 SOLD HF Amateur Transceiver The Kenwood TS-570Dcovers the HF bands. It has a digital display, S-meter and keypad entry. It also features RIT, XIT, IF Shift and DSP Slope Tuning. This radio includes the MC-43S hand mic, DC power cord and worn Owner's...
HF TRANSCEIVER TS-570D(G) HF+6m TRANSCEIVER TS-570S(G)Advanced Technology Upgrade Kenwood has brought the best of HF DSP technology out of the clouds and into the hands of everyone with the new TS-570D(G) and TS-570S(G) (HF+6m). The G series represents the latest advancements in...
Kenwood's latest hf offering, the TS-570D, is a 'medium-priced' transceiver incorporating DSP technology. Amongst its other main features, Kenwood claims 'a world first' - CW auto tuning. The TS-570D includes all the HF bands from 1.8 to 28MHz, with a general coverage receiver providing...
TS 570D HamLib 4.3.1 TS 570D HamLib 4.3.1 Radio is a TS 570D Radio is setup for Baud 9600 1 stop bit. The default. CAT control working OK on a PC running Logger32 To get CAT to work with a PC running Logger32 I need the following settings 8N1, 9600 baud I also need CTS/RTS...
This is a reply to TS 570D HamLib 4.3.1 Thanks for all the replies. Here is where I have got to. I still have the original problem but I am at least starting to track the problem down. my user name is djcleckie on my Linux (Ubuntu 22.04 box) ...
Decorator-based transformation, serialization, and deserialization between objects and classes. - class-transformer/src/ClassTransformer.ts at 570d55c971ce21c3ef02a48f1100137c4c62f2ac · typestack/class-transformer
村子里面女孩子结婚都早,十五六岁结婚的女孩子遍地都是,柳美姑这样相貌和工作都不差的女孩,早就被村里面的各种男人盯上了。 可是这几年,村里好事的媒婆都绕着柳美姑家走,这让他很是不解。 “给,昨晚的油饼,一边走一边吃。” 在唐会暗自揣测的时候,柳美姑却给他掰了一大块油饼。 “多谢师父,多谢师父。” ...
1 添加要转换的TS视频或其他格式的视频打开MP4/RM转换专家,即可进入如下整洁简约的开始界面。将TS视频直接拖入如下界面的中间列表中,也可点击左上角的“添加待转换视频”,即可选择多种模式添加视频,各种方式都能一键导入,细节处足见人性化。这款软件对各种格式的兼容性都一一兼顾,比如还可导入流行的MKV、MTS、...
师生互动的质量作为教师评价的重要维度,直接影响着教师的教学质量和学生的学业成就.建立一套基于标准的课堂互动评估体系对于教师评价尤为重要.美国"课堂评估评分系统"(Classroom Assessment Scoring System,CLASS)系统由美国佛吉尼亚大学历经十五年调研开发.该系统关注师生之间的互动,通过评估师生互动质量来评价教师教学质量,...