.tomp4 { margin-right: 5px; margin-left: 5px; } /* JSON格式化 */ /* Root element */ 26 changes: 22 additions & 4 deletions 26 js/m3u8.js Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change @@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ $(function () { $("#DownText").click(function () {...
TS2MP4_Video_Converter TS to MP4 Video Converter Is a windows GUI tool, developed using C# WPF .net Framework 4.8 and .net Framework 2.0, for converting .ts video file to mp4. Built on FFmpeg, with GUI to facilitate the conversion process for all users. It uses default arguments for the...
ffmpeg命令如下直接转 ffmpeg-i new.ts -c copy -map0:v -map0:a output.mp4指定音频流(一般用这个) ffmpeg-i new.ts -c copy -map0:v -map0:a -bsf:a aac_adtstoasc output.mp4重编码视频 ffmpeg-y -i new.ts -c:v libx264 -c:a copy -bsf:a aac_adtstoasc output.mp4 3、通过m3u8下...
# -absf 音视频比特率 推荐使用 -b:a -b:v -bsf:a -bsf:v (binary steam fiter) ffmpeg -i http://xxx/index.m3u8 -acodec copy -vcodec copy -absf aac_adtstoascD:\output.mp4 编写windows DOS bat脚本 脚本download.bat内容如下: rem windows dos脚本 @echo off echo "start" echo "%1" ...
ps:相关参数请参看https://github.com/phoboslab/jsmpeg 文档 播放控制: play() – start playback pause() – pause playback stop() – stop playback and seek to the beginning destroy() – stops playback, disconnects the source and cleans up WebGL and WebAudio state. The player can not be...
file '/路径/to/file3.ts #1 ffmpeg -f concat -safe 0 -i textname.txt output.ts #2 解析,ouput.ts 是输出路劲+名字。然后生产好的 textname.txt 可以把他拉进命令窗拿到完整路径 懒人生产 .txt 套路进入视频文件夹, 按shift + 右键 在这里打开命令窗 ...
ffmpeg -i http://xxx.com:8891/1231/index.m3u8 -c copy -bsf:a aac_adtstoasc output.mp4 4. 注意事项 必须安装ffmpeg,Linux、Mac可以使用常规方法安装,Windows直接去官网下载二进制包直接用、 当网页中播放的视频流是ts格式的时候,本方法适用。
https://github.com/jianfch/stable-ts 1.使用pycharm控制台安装stable-ts pip install -U stable-ts 建议科学上网,或者使用镜像,等待安装好就行了。stable-ts会将其他依赖都装好,不需要再装其他模块。 2.音频识别和字幕导出 whisper模型可选如下字段‘tiny', 'tiny.en', 'base', 'base.en', 'small', ...
To run the example project: clone the repo, and launch the TS2MP4 project and run the TS2MP4Demo target. You have to manually put some TS files into the ressources directory of the App to be able to test it. Installation TS2MP4 is available throughCocoaPods, to install it simply add...