Look for any options or links related to previous year's results, allotments, or document downloads. You might be able to retrieve your allotment order through the website's portal or by contacting their helpdesk. 3. Contact the Helpdesk: Reach out to the TSCHE helpdesk or the helpdesk...
"searchresults": "Lavisisa eka mimbuyelo", "searchresults-title": "Lavisisa \"$1\" eka mimbuyelo", "prevn": "Leswihundzeke {{PLURAL:$1|$1}}", "nextn": "Leswilandzelaka {{PLURAL:$1|$1}}", "prevn-title": "$1 {{PLURAL:$1|nkutlunya lo wu|minkutlunya leyi}} ...
same font for 'Comments'" "" "checkbox" -"Use same font for 'Find Tasks Results'" "" "checkbox" -"Use same font for 'Task Reminders'" "" "checkbox" -"Vertical" "" "label" -"Visible Date Range" "" "label" -"Watermark" "" "label" -"Would you like to update to this...
While we at no point imagined disproving the intermediacy of an iminium in the Bruylants reaction, we felt that all previous studies or applications thereof had been contented with the fact that the results were compatible with this accepted mechanism; in other words, no detailed search for ...
Although the default settings should give rea- sonable results for most fonts, the particular font you happen to be using may have different character shapes that necessitate more or less protrusion or expansion. In particular, italic letter shapes may differ wildly in different fonts, hence I ...
Annualleave accrualfor employeesin multiplepositionswill be computedby combininagllpositionsa,s in vacationleave,providedthe resultsdoes not exceedthe amountearnablein full-timeemploymenat,nd the rateof accrual shall be determinedby the schedulewhichappliesto the positionor collective bargaininsgtatusunder...
"searchresults": "Lavisisa eka mimbuyelo", "searchresults-title": "Lavisisa \"$1\" eka mimbuyelo", "prevn": "Leswihundzeke {{PLURAL:$1|$1}}", "nextn": "Leswilandzelaka {{PLURAL:$1|$1}}", "prevn-title": "$1 {{PLURAL:$1|nkutlunya lo wu|minkutlunya leyi}} ...
"searchresults": "Lavisisa eka mimbuyelo", "searchresults-title": "Lavisisa \"$1\" eka mimbuyelo", "prevn": "Leswihundzeke {{PLURAL:$1|$1}}", "nextn": "Leswilandzelaka {{PLURAL:$1|$1}}", "prevn-title": "$1 {{PLURAL:$1|nkutlunya lo wu|minkutlunya leyi}} ...
(Leswi engetelekeke)", "search-relatedarticle": "Leswi yelanaka", "searchrelated": "Yelanaka", "searchall": "Hinkwaswo", "showingresults": "Kombisa e hansi kufika eka {{PLURAL:$1|'''1''' mbuyelo|'''$1''' mimbuyelo}} Kusungula hi#'''$2'''.", "search-nonefo...
the tumor and selected tissues were excised and weighed, and the radioactivity was measured in a gamma counter. The counts per minute per gram of105Rh in each tissue (cpm/g) was determined and expressed as a function of the amount injected. The results are shown in the following tables. ...