Results: The psychometric validation showed high reliability and validity of the THI-12, TRS, TRSw, TSS, and TSSw.doi: WasanoSho KanzakiTetsushi SakashitaMariko TakahashiYasuhiro InoueHideyuki Saito...
Pantet et al. 2020), as previously proposed by Escher (1988) for example. The stratigraphic sequence composed by the superposition of the Evolène Series and the Série Rousse shows very strong similarities with the stratigraphy of the Breccia nappe in the Prealps. The comparison of the Série...
(30)calendadr aysaftermailingof suchnoticeto protest he State'sunitassignment.lf UAPDelectsto protestt,he Stateshallmeet andconferwithUAPDin an effortto reachagreemenot nthe unitassignmenftorthe class.lf thepartiesareunableto reachagreementth, edisputeshallbesubmittetdo the PERBfor resolution.lf ...
Additionally, it was found that treatment with another reducing agent as glutathione did not affect 5-hmC, whereas Nutrients 2017, 9, 659 9 of 29 blocking Vit C entry into cells or knocking down Tet expression significantly reduced the effect of Vit C on 5-hmC [100]. Vit C is also ...
Section 3 describes the MUCPP problems based on the time–space coordination constraints; Section 4 introduces the HDP-TSRRT* algorithm in three aspects; Section 5 provides us with the simulation of the proposed algorithm and discusses the results; and Section 6 describes some conclusions and futur...
The horizons and faults were extracted from Petrel as surfaces and imported in MeshIt, intermediate software that allows the building of units. Once the model was structured, it was imported into FEFLOW. The entire model was refined by the Tetgen algorithm, especially near the surfaces of faults...
Although many studies on agroforestry systems have shown positive results, a negative impact on soil nutrient and plant diversity in tropical rainforests was found—A. villosum cultivation simplifies tree stand structure, destroys sapling-seedling banks, results in the disappearance of species, and ...
Results: A total of 347 CBCT volumes were collected, then divided into primary and secondary datasets. Among the three experiments, an IoU score of 0.64 and a Dice score of 0.79 were obtained thanks to the pre-training of the CNN on the secondary dataset and the creation of a novel deep...
Experiment results in the Chengdu subway tunnel indicate that the density of the adjacent cross-sections and the density of the cross-sectional points obtained by TS1 have been greatly improved, which can provide a basis for the detailed analysis of tunnel deformation. Furthermore, the accuracy ...
Tslayb,laes2shliostws nthientFeixgtuurreal9pb.aTrahme ecotemrsmoefrtchiaelsTaSm-1pldeiss.pTlahyeeTdSa-1shcaartpalydsistthriabdutaiorenlaotfipveolrye lwarigdethaadtso15rpÅti.oTnaabvleer2algisetsptohree tseixzteuoraf l2p3a.0raÅmaentedrsaoBf rtuhenasuamerp–Elems.mThetet–TTSe-l1le...