on top of the features learned by our proposed TS-TCC performs comparably with the supervised training. Additionally, our proposed TS-TCC shows high efficiency in few-labeled data and transfer learning scenarios. The code is publicly available athttps://github.com/emadeldeen24/TS-TCC. 从具有时...
ServiceLoader.loadAll(ResourceManager.class); if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(allResourceManagers)) { for (ResourceManager rm : allResourceManagers) { resourceManagers.put(rm.getBranchType(), rm); } } } /** * RM分支事务提交方法 * @param branchType the branch type * @param xid Transaction id....
TSCommonTCCServiceNames.h TSInstallationController.h TSInstallationController.m TSRootViewController.h TSRootViewController.m TSSceneDelegate.h TSSceneDelegate.m TSSettingsListController.h TSSettingsListController.m control entitlements.plist main.m Victim .gitignore LICENSE Makefile README.md ce...
TSCommonTCCServiceNames.h TSInstallationController.h TSInstallationController.m TSRootViewController.h TSRootViewController.m TSSceneDelegate.h TSSceneDelegate.m TSSettingsListController.h TSSettingsListController.m control entitlements.plist main.m Victim .gitignore LICENSE Makefile README...
local tUrl, tEmailMessage, tRecipient, tBody, tFrom, tTo, tCc, tSubject, tAttachments local tSettings, tResult, tBytes, tResponseHeaders -- Specify the e-mail server settings put "smtp://my.mailserver.com:587/" into tUrl put "username" into tSettings["username"] ...
TCC:类型正确性条件(TypeCorrectnessCondition) UI:用户界面(UserInterface) XML:可扩展标记语言(eXtensibleMarkupLanguage) YAML:数据序列化表示格式(YAMLAintaMarkupLanguage) 5系统架构e 企业级低代码开发平台,包括领域专用语言(DSL)、核心能力、集成开发、运行方式、运营与运 维服务等模块,具体为:穟 a)领域专用语...
The integrated TCC (Thermal Control Circuit) activates if the processor silicon reaches its maximum operating temperature. The activation temperature that the Intel® Thermal Monitor uses to activate the TCC, can be slightly modified via TCC Activation Offset in BIOS setup submenu "CPU submenu". ...
TSCommonTCCServiceNames.h TSInstallationController.h TSInstallationController.m TSRootViewController.h TSRootViewController.m TSSceneDelegate.h TSSceneDelegate.m TSSettingsListController.h TSSettingsListController.m control entitlements.plist main.m Victim .gitignore LICENSE Makefile README...
The anhydrous liquid carrier preferably comprises one or more anhydrous liquids suitable for topical application to human skin, which carrier or combination of liquid carriers are liquid under ambient conditions. The term "anhydrous" as used herein means that the pharmaceutical gel compositions of the ...