在switch 当中判断 type,TS 是可以收窄类型的 (discriminated union): function handleValue(val: All) { switch (val.type) { case 'foo': // 这里 val 被收窄为 Foo break case 'bar': // val 在这里是 Bar break default: // val 在这里是 never const exhaustiveCheck: never = val break } } ...
switch (type) { case 'text': case 'span': case 'p': return 'text'; case 'btn': case 'button': return 'button'; } Similarly, ts-pattern lets you pass several patterns to .with() and if one of these patterns matches your input, the handler function will be called: const sanitize...
All command-line flags support both --camelCase and --hyphen-case. Most options can be declared in your tsconfig.json: Configuration via tsconfig.json ts-node supports --print (-p), --eval (-e), --require (-r) and --interactive (-i) similar to the node.js CLI. ts-node supports...
pat->transport_stream_id = 1; pat->version_number = 0; pat->current_next_indicator = 1; pat->section_number = 0; pat->last_section_number = 0; /* 这里是 PAT 中包含的节目流信息,可以用多个节目流,每个节目流固定为 4bytes * 这里只生成一个节目,即节目的映射表 PMT */ /* multiple 4B...
"warn",53//禁止在 return、throw、continue 和 break 语句之后出现不可达代码54"no-unreachable": "warn",55//强制所有控制语句使用一致的括号风格56curly: "warn",57//要求 switch 语句中有 default 分支58"default-case": "warn",59//强制尽可能地使用点号60"dot-notation": "warn",61//要求使用 ===...
│ │ ├──switch.vue │ │ └── tick.vue │ ├── config │ │ ├── browser.options.ts │ │ ├── classNames.options.ts │ │ ├── editorIcons.options.ts │ │ ├── index.ts │ │ └── shortcuts.keys.ts ...
{ SwitchCase:2}],//缩进风格'key-spacing': [2, { beforeColon:false, afterColon:true}],// 强制在对象字面量属性中的键和值之间保持一致的间距'keyword-spacing': [2, { before:true, after:true}],// 关键字如if/function等的间距'new-cap': [2, { newIsCap:true, capIsNew:false}],// ...
RVARYPW([SWITCH(switch-pw)] [STATUS(status-pw) ]) Specifies the passwords that the operator is to use to respond to requests to approve RVARY command processing, where switch-pw is the response to a request to switch RACF databases or change the operating mode of RACF, and status-pw is...
RVARYPW([SWITCH(switch-pw)] [STATUS(status-pw) ]) Specifies the passwords that the operator is to use to respond to requests to approve RVARY command processing, where switch-pw is the response to a request to switch RACF databases or change the operating mode of RACF, and status-pw is...
switch (props.type) { case 'daterange': return equalDaterange(cellValue, data, props, 'YYYY-MM-DD') case 'datetimerange': return equalDaterange(cellValue, data, props, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:ss:mm') case 'monthrange': return equalDaterange(cellValue, data, props, 'YYYY-MM') de...