$ lingui compile node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:998 throw err; ^ Error: Cannot find module 'ts-node' Require stack: - /Users/nik/Developer/flexibits/flexibits-web-frontend/node_modules/@lingui/conf/node_modules/cosmiconfig-typescript-loader/dist/cjs/index.js - /Users/nik/Developer/flexibit...
node_modules/ts-node/dist-raw/node-internal-modules-esm-resolve.js:366 throw new ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND( [...] The same occurs for subpathexports: TypeScript resolves to the source file that will generate that.jsbutts-nodedoesn't.
Debugger attached.Waitingforthedebuggerto disconnect...internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:968throwerr;^Error:Cannot find module'ts-node/register'Require stack:-internal/preload at Function.Module._resolveFilename(internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:965:15)at Function.Module._load(internal/modules/cjs/loader....
Found: vue@3.4.21npm ERR! node_modules/vue npm ERR! vue@"^3.0.0"from the root project npm ERR! npm ERR! Couldnotresolve dependency: npm ERR! peer vue@"^2.6.4"from vuetify@2.7.2npm ERR! node_modules/vuetify npm ERR! vuetify@"^2.5.8"from the root project ...
ts-node is a TypeScript execution engine and REPL for Node.js. It JIT transforms TypeScript into JavaScript, enabling you to directly execute TypeScript on Node.js without precompiling. This is accomplished by hooking node's module loading APIs, enabling it to be used seamlessly alongside other...
64位:https://nodejs.org/dist/v14.15.1/node-v14.15.1-x64.msi32位:https://nodejs.org/dist/v14.15.1/node-v14.15.1-x86.msi安装Node.js 使用npm全局安装typescript 进入命令行 输入:npm i -g typescript 创建一个ts文件 使用tsc对ts文件进行编译 ...
build:excludes:[node_modules] You can also use the official plugin published to the Buf Registry. version:v1plugins: -plugin:buf.build/community/stephenh-ts-protoout:../gen/tsopt: -outputServices=...-useExactTypes=... ESM If you're using a modern TS setup with eitheresModuleInteropor ...
Jest is a Node-based runner. This means that the tests always run in a Node environment and not in a real browser. This lets us enable fast iteration speed and prevent flakiness. While Jest provides browser globals such as window thanks to jsdom, they are only approximations of the real ...