export { a } 模块导入import: import { a, a as alias } from "xxx"; a(); alias(); 模块默认导出default,一个模块只能用一次 暴露: export default a(){ } 引入(不用花括号): import a from "aaa"; a(); DB库用模块化封装// 省略了,代码比较简单,可以参考这里 ts命名空间 内部模块,主要用于...
import { X, Y } from './utils' X // 表示来自utils的X Y // 表示来自utils的Y 如果标识符列表定义了ident as alias,则实体ident将绑定在名称alias下: import { X as Z, Y } from './utils' Z // 表示来自Utils的X Y // 表示来自Utils的Y X // 编译时错误:'X'不可见 导入HarmonyOS SDK...
import{X,Y}from'./utils'X// 表示来自utils的XY // 表示来自utils的Y 如果标识符列表定义了ident as alias,则实体ident将绑定在名称alias下: 代码语言:javascript 复制 import{XasZ,Y}from'./utils'Z// 表示来自Utils的XY // 表示来自Utils的YX // 编译时错误:'X'不可见 动态导入 应用开发的有些场景...
NOTE: only the functionbootstrapin the example will be overwritten byts2swagger, you can manually edit other parts of the code as a programmer. import*asexpressfrom"express";import{MyService}from"./sample";constapp=express();constbodyParser=require("body-parser");app.use(bodyParser.json())...
You can use this sample configuration as a starting point: { // This is an alias to @tsconfig/node16: https://github.com/tsconfig/bases "extends": "ts-node/node16/tsconfig.json", // Most ts-node options can be specified here using their programmatic names. "ts-node": { // It is...
import { BinaryReader, BinaryWriter } from "@bufbuild/protobuf/wire"; If migrating to@bufbuild/protobufis a blocker for you, you can pin yourts-protoversion to1.x. Disclaimer & apology:I had intended to release ts-proto 2.x as an alpha release, but didn't get the semantic-release co...
["dom","dom.iterable","esnext"],"allowJs":true,// 允许编译 JavaScript 文件"skipLibCheck":true,// 跳过所有声明文件的类型检查"esModuleInterop":true,// 禁用命名空间引用 (import * as fs from "fs") 启用 CJS/AMD/UMD 风格引用 (import fs from "fs")"allowSyntheticDefaultImports":true,// ...
import {defineConfig} from 'vite'import vue from '@vitejs/plugin-vue'import * as path from "path";// https://vitejs.dev/config/export default defineConfig({plugins: [vue()],resolve: {alias: {'@': path.resolve(__dirname, './src'),'~': path.resolve(__dirname, './packages'),...
Field'browser' doesn'tcontain a validaliasconfiguration/Users/w4ngzhen/Projects/web-projects/webpack-ts-loader-demo/src/utils.wasm doesn'texist as directory 要想让webpack知道我们引入的utils是ts代码,方式为在webpack配置中,指明webpack默认处理的文件后缀: ...
// (alias) createRouter(options: RouterOptions): Router import createRouterconstrouter =createRouter({history:createWebHistory(process.env.BASE_URL), routes, }) RouteLocationNormalized是标准化的路由地址,在路由守卫和获取路由地址的情况下自动推断好。