以下是一个使用 ts-expect-error 的示例代码: typescript // @ts-expect-error let str: string = 123; // 预期这里会出现类型错误 console.log(str); 在这个例子中,@ts-expect-error 注释标记了紧随其后的代码行 let str: string = 123;。由于 TypeScript 期望变量 str 的类型为 string,但实际上赋给...
如果代码并没有问题,ignore反而是错误了,因此引入了更严格版本的ignore,即ts-expect-error,它只有在下一行代码真存在错误时才能被使用,否则会报错: 代码语言:javascript 复制 // @ts-expect-errorconsta:number='string'// @ts-expect-errorconstb:number=1// 无意义的 ts-expect-error 建议在所有地方都不要使...
In some ways// @ts-expect-errorcan act as a suppression comment, similar to// @ts-ignore. The difference is that// @ts-ignorewill do nothing if the following line is error-free. For example: of course, "string" is not a number. but, when the compile code is correct. then it wil...
"@typescript-eslint/no-empty-function": "error", // 禁止空函数 "@typescript-eslint/prefer-ts-expect-error": "off", // 禁止使用 @ts-ignore "@typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment": "off", // 禁止 @ts-<directive> 使用注释或要求在指令后进行描述 "@typescript-eslint/no-inferrable-types"...
tsexpecterror:意思是这个应该有错误,但我想知道它。如果编译正确,则报告错误。 如果这不再是一个错误,则意味着某些内容已被更改。 @ts-expect-error的使用 letstr:string='123'// @ts-expect-errorstr =12// 不会报错letstr:string='123'// @ts-expect-errorstr ='123'//这个时候则会报错,因此此时编译...
@ts-expect-error 假设有下面这段代码: 复制 constmultiply= (a:number,b:number) =>a+b;multiply('12',13); 1. 2. 但是TS 编译器会提示报错:Argument of type 'string' is not assignable to parameter of type你不能修改第一个参数的类型,并且暂时想要忽略 TS 编译器报出的错误,就可以用 @ts-ignor...
@ts-expect-erroror@ts-ignore? When you actually want to ignore an error, you'll be tempted to use@ts-ignore. It works similarly to@ts-expect-error, except for one thing: it won't error if itdoesn'tfind an error: // @ts-ignoreconstx:string=12; ...
Since ts-expect-error does not have the ability to specify only the errors that we want to ignore, and instead suppresses all errors, it makes managing errors more challenging. This package provides a command-line tool to validate expected TypeScript erro ts-expect-error-validator ts-expect-err...
Since ts-expect-error does not have the ability to specify only the errors that we want to ignore, and instead suppresses all errors, it makes managing errors more challenging. This package provides a command-line tool to validate expected TypeScript err
classUser{// Specify only a TS code for validation//@ts-expect-error [TS6133]privatemyNumber:string|undefined;}functiongetMyData():string|undefined{return'myData';}// Specify the message and a TS code for validation for `strict` mode//@ts-expect-error [TS2532 - Object is possibly 'unde...