胰蛋白胨大豆肉汤(TSB)(TSB)Tryptone Soy Broth TSB培养基 复购率: 50% 6年 ¥220.0 成交0笔 广州市 胰蛋白胨磷酸盐肉汤 Tryptone Phosphate Broth HB9147 250g 复购率: 0% 18年 ¥180.0 成交0笔 青岛市 胰蛋白胨胆盐琼脂(TBA)(ISO9038-1-2000) Tryptone Bile Agar 复购率: 0% 18...
英文名称:Modified Tryptone Soya Broth(mTSB) 产地:英国oxoid 品牌:oxoid 包装规格:250克 VET-RPLA肠毒素检测试剂盒 VET-RPLA Toxin Detection Test ■ TD0920 83 结晶紫中性红胆盐琼脂 (VRBA)(含MUG) Violet Red Bile Agar(VRBA) with MUG ■■■ CM0978 7 ...
Appearance: Faintly beige coloured, homogeneous, free flowing powder.Color and Clarity: Light yellow coloured, clear solution.D irections:Suspend 33 grams of Modified Tryptone Soy Broth in 1000 ml distilled water. Heat if necessary to dissolve the medium completely. Sterilize by autoclaving at ...
胰蛋白胨大豆肉汤(TSB)(TSB)Tryptone Soy Broth TSB培养基 广州市百菱生物科技有限公司 6年 月均发货速度: 暂无记录 广东 广州市 ¥180.00 胰蛋白胨磷酸盐肉汤 Tryptone Phosphate Broth HB9147 250g 青岛高科技工业园海博生物技术有限公司 19年 月均发货速度: 暂无记录 山东 青岛市城阳区 ¥11...
英文名Tryptone Powder (Casein Peptone) 储存18~25°C 相关类别微生物培养基 胰蛋白胨 CAS:73049-73-7 包装:100克 500克 Physical Appearance Pancreatic digest of casein. Raw Material Species:Bovine. 胰蛋白胨 CAS:73049-73-7 Properties Standard Plate Count(CFU/g)<5,000 ...
中文名称:TRYPTONE(TRYPTIC)SOY BROTH 胰蛋白胨大豆肉汤(TSB) 中文同义词:TRYPTONE(TRYPTIC)SOY BROTH 胰蛋白胨大豆肉汤(TSB) 英文名称:TRYPTONE (TRYPTIC) SOY BROTH Tryptone Soy Broth (TSB) 英文同义词: CAS号: 分子式: 分子量:0 EINECS号: 信息错误报告 ...
22092 Tryptic Soy Broth (TSB, (Tryptone Soya Broth, CASO Broth, Soybean Casein digest Broth, Casein Soya Broth) The medium will support a luxuriant growth of many fastidious organisms without the addition of serum. Used for confirmation of Campylobacter jejuni by means of the motility test. ...
英文名称:Tryptone Soy Polymyxin B Broth 英文同义词: CAS号: 分子式: 分子量:0 EINECS号: 信息错误报告 您的Email: 按国家浏览Tryptone Soy Polymyxin B Broth国外供应商中国供应商 Tryptone Soy Polymyxin B Broth推荐供应商 建议您优先选择企业会员,我们对企业会员产品有严格审核。
FormPowder Product TypeBacterial Media Shelf Life1460 Days FormatPail For Use With (Application)Dehydrated culture media Quantity5 lb. SourceAnimal Origin Unit SizeEach 內容物與存放 Storage conditions: 2°C to 25°C. Store in cool, dry conditions in well-sealed containers. 浏览此商品的顾客同时也...
FormPowder Product TypeBacterial Media Shelf Life1460 Days FormatPail For Use With (Application)Dehydrated culture media Quantity25 lb. SourceAnimal Origin Unit SizeEach Contents & Storage Storage conditions: 2°C to 25°C. Store in cool, dry conditions in well-sealed containers. 浏览此商品的顾客...