Hard work certainly goes a long way. These days a lot of people work hard, so you have to make sure you work even harder and really dedicate yourself to what you are doing and setting out to achieve. —Lakshmi Mittal 22 You have to work hardest for the things you love most. —Carol...
We all have great inner power. The power is self-faith. There's really an attitude to winning. You have to see yourself winning before you win. And you have to be hungry. You have to want to conquer. —Arnold Schwarzenegger 4 Just Stay Strong Quotes When I got to match point in the...
and keep on trying to find a way of becomingwhat I would so like to be, and could be,if there weren't any other people living in the world.- Anne Frank Capitalism tries for a delicate balance:It attempts to work things out so thateveryone gets just enough stuff to keep them from...
All quotes are verbatim, though some identifying details have been changed to maintain participant anonymity. Theme one: Mental health- participants typically described their experience as an extraordinary shock that had a negative impact on their mental health, with some exceptions One of the core ...
“this might sound really terrible, but to find out that the man that raised me isn’t my biological father, has actually given me some relief, in a way, that that is not in me” (P18). Others who had met and been welcomed by their new biological family sometimes mentioned positive ...
Lando and McLaren, had a relatively uninteresting race, so I do what I have always done. I look towards the lower half of the grid to find someone to watch. Kick Sauber driver, Zhou Guanyu is out of contract at the end of the season, with nothing decided on his future. He has strug...
Favorite Quotes/Chapters: “Don’t sabotage yourself. There are plenty of other people willing to do that for free.” “Don’t make the same mistakes that everyone else makes. Make wonderful mistakes. Make the kind of mistakes that make people so shocked that they have no other choice but...
which has become a ritual—we got the same lo mein when I finished the first draft, and when I finished revisions and let people read it for the first time. I can’t seem to find a good closing line for this blog post, because, like, everything feels like it’s still in process?
Have you ever found yourself asking, “Why me?” I have a million times since losing Jay! It’s hard to make sense of the fact that God would allow you to become pregnant with a baby, but then take it away. I believe I am a good Christian. I believe in God. I believe that man...
vendemia’s research has also shown, though, that when people were prompted to take selfies, they felt less “socially aggressive” toward other people who took selfies. this suggests that feeling vulnerable about how you look in photos might make you view yourself harshly but also helps you ...