It seems like our machine got hacked by an anonymous threat actor. However, we are lucky to have a .pcap file from the attack. Can you determine what happened? Download the .pcap file and use Wireshark to view it. Contents1 Task 1 Oh no! We’ve been hacked! 1.1 The attacker is t...
It asks for a password, which I don't have. I went through the HTTP packets in wireshark to see if it was there. It wasn't. So that left me to crack it. I used fcrackzip to do so. Command: fcrackzip -b --method 2 -D -p /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt -v christmaslists....
【Tryhackme】Smag Grotto(wireshark,sudo滥用:apt-get) 下一篇 » 【Tryhackme】Mustacchio(xxe攻击,修改$PATH+SUID提权) 引用和评论 注册登录 获取验证码 新手机号将自动注册 登录 微信登录免密码登录密码登录 继续即代表同意《服务协议》和《隐私政策》...
Answer:4 [Task 2] Research - Analyse the code Now that you’ve found the code for the backdoor, it’s time to analyse it. #2.1 - What’s the default hash for the backdoor? Still in the same stream as previously in Wireshark, we see that the attacker executes the backdoor with ...
- Wireshark Forensic - FTP Anonymous Exploitation - Tar Backup as root - SMB Exploitation - Linux Enumeration - SUID (Bash) - CVE-2019-0232 Metasploit - DirtyCow - OSINT - Python Fundamentals - Source Code Poking - Python Scripting - Reverse Engineering Radar2 ...