In the upcoming challeneges you need to develop a strategy that will help you find the your answers more quickly. A general list of question that you need to ask your self regarding an image can be : Is there any data in the image that could possibilty point out to a location i.e. ...
Knowing the ASN is helpful, because we can search Shodan for things such as coffee makers or vulnerable computers within our ASN, which we know (if we are a large company) is on our network. IMPORTANT: The answers in this room change all the time, due to the nature of Shodan and thei...
we see that the page was moved on to a different port. Let’s revisit our Nmap scan to check if there is some other port that is running some web-related service or webserver. We have identified that there is an apache web server running on the port 1234. This answers our question...
There is a note saying that the host ending in .250 and .1 should be excluded from answers because they are not part of the vulnerable network. So there are actually 3 hosts is running on the network. The host .200 is our exploited host. So there is 2 another host that we need to...
Nearly all of the answers to the following questions can be found in the Metasploit help menu. Let's go ahead and start exploring the help menu. On the Metasploit prompt (where we'll be at after we start Metasploit using `msfconsole`), type the command: `help` *The help menu has a...