command 'catkin_creat_pkg' not found, did you mean: command 'catkin_create_pkg' from deb python-catkin-pkg try: sudo apt install <deb name> 文心快码BaiduComate 针对你的问题,以下是详细的回答: 确认用户输入命令是否有误: 你输入的命令是 catkin_creat_pkg,但根据错误信息提示,正确的命令应该是 c...
但是我发现,我以前做的软件并没有这种问题,对比了下,发现 分享9赞 ubuntu吧 贴吧用户_78bWXMU 小白刚在虚拟机里安装ububtu,尝试发现makdir不能用返回提示有 try:sudo apt install <deb name> 输入命令sudo apt install <deb name> 回车 报错为 语法错误 改<>为单引号' ',报错,无法定位deb name 需要怎么...
$ sudo su - # apt-get update && apt-get install -y apt-transport-https # curl -s | apt-key add - # echo "deb kubernetes-xenial main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/kubernetes.list # add-apt-repository...
完成后打开终端,执行sudo apt -y update && sudo apt -y upgrade更新软件列表和软件包 命令配置方法 首先备份默认软件源,运行终端,执行如下命令: sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.backup 1.替换清华镜像源 sudo sed -i s/ /etc...
Use apt list -a --installed <package_name>*to check if the package has an already installed version Delete the deb if not. Installing the deb Have the debs ready in a folder, run sudo apt install ./* . It should automatically resolve the dependency. apt should say DOWNGRADING some packa...
Install dependencies: Ubuntu 20.04/22.04 and their derived distros source<(cat /etc/os-release|grep UBUNTU_CODENAME)#latest Vulkan SDK provided externally as Ubuntu packages are usually olderwget -qO -|sudo apt-key add - sudo wget -qO /...
再次执行终于成功 === DevStack Component Timing (times are in seconds) === wait_for_service 12 pip_install 133 apt-get 22 run_process 19 dbsync 4 apt-get-update 9 test_with_retry 4 async_wait 348 osc 168 --- Unaccounted time 870 === Total runtime 1589 === Async summary === Ti...
wget -q -O - | sudo apt-key add - 1. 启用存储库后使用以下命令安装最新版本的 Jenkins: sudo apt update # 列出所有可更新的软件清单命令 sudo apt install jenkins # 安装jenkins 1.
Finally, post-upgrade may introduce you to multiple packages need to be removed. This can be known by running simply$ sudo apt-get installwithout argument. It may say "some packages need to be removed by command line apt-get autoremove. So do it and free some disk space of yours: ...
From the new release onwards (2.5) pigsty is supported in Ubuntu also, right? But when I tried on a Ubuntu 22 machine I got this error. This there any config or any other method we need to use for resolve this issue home/test# cd pigsty ...