从语法结构上看,“try my hand at doing”是一个动词短语。其中,“try”是核心动词,表示尝试的动作;“my hand”是宾语,形象地表示“用手去尝试”;“at doing”是介词短语作为补足语,指明了尝试的具体内容或领域。在实际使用中,这个短语后面通常跟动名词形式,表示尝试的具体活...
try my hand at (doing) XX 1. try本身有“尝试”的含义,在某方面小试身手,也就是 try my hand at (doing) XX 着手尝试(做)某事;在XX(行业)一试身手 *注:at后接名词或动名词 John dreamed of being a writer and hadtried his hand at poetry. 约翰梦想成为作家,已 尝试过写诗 。 2. 男主人公...
• It's time to try my hand at the settled life.• If you have the urge to try your hand at a grant, do so!• Many who are in the process of acquiring these technical skills may wish to try their hand at grantsmanship. → try your hand at (doing) something at hand1(23)...
释义 try your ˈhand (at sth/doing sth)try sth for the first time, for example a skill or a sport 试试身手;尝试◆I’ve always wanted to try my hand at golf.我一直都想尝试一下打高尔夫球。 随便看 a world of difference between A and B a worm’s-eye view axe a yellow streak a...
try one's hand 1.Attempt to do something for the first time, as inI thought I'd try my hand at snorkeling. This idiom usestryin the sense of "ascertain by experiment or effort," a usage dating from the late 1500s. 2.Also,try one's luck. Take a chance doing something, as inWe ...
1.Attempt to do something for the first time, as inI thought I'd try my hand at snorkeling. This idiom usestryin the sense of "ascertain by experiment or effort," a usage dating from the late 1500s. 2.Also,try one's luck. Take a chance doing something, as inWe thought we'd try...
根据提示补全句子。1.我是如此激动以至于迫不及待地要骑上试试。I wasIto try my hand at riding it2.伦敦中央地铁是这些新线路中最成功的地铁之一,于1900年开通。(successful)The Central London Railway wasofthese new lines, and was opened in 1900.3.昨天在会议上讨论的问题非常重要。(过去分词作后置定语...
I will try my best to help you,我会尽力帮助你。He wants to try his hand at cooking,他想尝试做饭。最后,try还可以和一些其他词语搭配,构成固定搭配或习惯用语,例如:try it on (with sb.) (向某人)耍花招/胡来 nice try 好样的/不错的尝试(常含讽刺意味)don't even try it 别想(干...
测试或试用 try (one's) hand To attempt to do something for the first time: 第一次试着做某事: I tried my hand at skiing. 我试着第一次滑冰 Middle English trien 中古英语 trien from Old French trier [to pick out] 源自 古法语 trier [挑出] from Vulgar Latin *tri⊃3;e 源自 俗拉丁...
Remember to hand in your assignment before this week’s Friday, or else you will get a mark deduction. 记得在这周五之前交作业,否则你会被扣分。 (Remember doing) It’s raining cats and dogs this morning. Fortunately, I remem...