总的来说是万能密码登录,sqlmap查数据,SSH反向隧道,以及最后一个有点小坑的MSF提权。 0x01:信息收集 还是先使用autorecon进行信息收集,这次只开了两个端口,22和80端口。 访问80端口可以正常访问,一个大大的杀手47出现在眼前。 0x02:万能密码登录 Try hack me这里提示我们这里登录表单这里有点小问题可以用万能密码...
这次的靶机是Try hack me的HackParkhttps://tryhackme.com/room/hackpark。一个Windows靶机总的来讲就是用Burp/hydra爆破后台,然后使用旧版CVE获得一个低权限。提权的话没有太多难度。 0x01:信息收集 这里我先用autorecon进行波信息收集,摸鱼就好毕竟自动联动nmap和gobuster 扫个30-45分钟大概就好了,先看看nmap报告...
New to security? No problem! We have learning paths that will teach you the fundamental cyber security skills, which will help set you up to land a job in cyber security. We give you all the tools you need to start learning. Access a machine with the security tools you'll need through...
try hack me 房间 "Windows Local Persistence" https://tryhackme.com/room/windowslocalpersistence 本文内容是房间任务2 - 篡改非特权帐户内容请当成翻译看 在获得目标立足点之后,为了确保不失去访问权限,需要建立持久性Establishing persistence。简单地说,持久性是指建立一种替代的方式去再次获得访问权限,而不用再次...
The lessons are well-structured and, at times, accompanied by instructional videos to help comprehend the material, basically you a guide/help. The positive reinforcement provided by the website’s encouragement motivates me to continue my progress. Invest some time and put in the effort, you ...
Tryhackme学习liunx提权 LinEnum 是一个简单的 bash 脚本,它执行与权限提升相关的常见命令,从而节省时间并允许投入更多精力来获取 root 权限 https://github.com/rebootuser/LinEnum/blob/master/LinEnum.sh 一、滥用
Whether you want to get your first job in IT security, become a white hat hacker, or prepare to check the security of your own home network, we offer practical and accessible ethical hacking courses to help keep your networks safe from cybercriminals. ...
Completing rooms contribute to completing "Goals", which are objectives set by TryHackMe. For example, certain rooms can help prepare for the OSCP exam. One of TryHackMe's aspirations is to have companies wanting to look at a users public profile to determine their ability. Every user signed...
TRY HACK ME 渗透测试靶场,以基础为主层层深入,知识点讲解详细,对于想实现从零到一飞跃的白客,TRY HACK ME无非是最好的选择。而网络上资源良莠不齐,好的资源难找的一逼。因此,今天起我将与大家一起详细学习THM重要的ROOM里的内容,力求让每个人都能理解、掌握其中的内容,让我们一起学习、一起进步、一起GET ...
/admin源代码有一行注释 Hey john, if you do not remember, the username is admin 所以我们现在知道登录的账号名是:admin,ssh的用户名是:john 用hydra爆破登录密码 ┌──(root💀kali)-[~/tryhackme/bruteit]└─# hydra-f-l admin-P/usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt10.10.218.99http-post-form"/admin...