若匹配,执行catch中代码,并将catch块参数指向所抛的异常对象。 (2)catch语句带一个throwable类型的参数,表示可捕获异常类型。//除0异常的提示为ArithmeticException,ArithmeticException或许就是一种可捕获异常类型。 3、finally(可省略) (1)有catch紧跟catch,无catch紧跟try。 (2)无论在什么情况下,即使是try语句未...
Java异常处理 try catch finally 多重catch 异常分类处理 输入两个数进行求商 使用if-else语句实现实现处理异常 import java.util.Scanner; public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in); System.out.println("请输入第一个数:"); if (sc.hasNext...
Syntax error: insert "finally" to complete the tryStatement;但这只是实践的结果,其实我们搭配使用的是catch配合使用 就是说try不能单独使用,要结合finally使用,就像上面所说的完成try的陈述;这里我们就是将可能出现异常的程序块包裹起来抛给我们的程序,没有异常就正常执行,有异常我们将异常给封装好抛给程序,然后我...
try{System.out.println("try block");thrownewNullPointerException("null occurred");}catch(NumberFormatExceptione){System.out.println("catch block 1");}catch(NullPointerExceptione){System.out.println("catch block 2");}catch(Exceptione){System.out.println("catch block 3");}finally{System.out.p...
Syntax of try-catch-finally in Java try{//statements that may cause an exception}catch(Exceptione){//statements that will execute if exception occurs}finally{//statements that execute whether the exception occurs or not} Note:It is upto the programmer to choose which statements needs to be pla...
Syntax try{ tryCode - Code block to run } catch(err) { catchCode -Code block to handle errors } finally{ finallyCode - Code block to be executed regardless of thetryresult } Parameters ParameterDescription tryCodeRequired. Code block to be tested while executing. ...
How can Javascript duplicate the four-part try - catch - else - finally execution model that other languages support? 一个清晰、简短的总结来自 Python 2.5 what’s new 。在 Javascript 术语中: // XXX THIS EXAMPLE IS A SYNTAX ERROR try { // Protected-block } catch(e) { // Handler-block...
1,finally子句 虽然在try-catch语句中是可选的,但finally子句一经使用,其代码无论如何都会执行。换句话说,try语句块中的代码全部正常执行,finally子句会执行;如果因为出错而执行了catch语句块,finally子句照样还会执行。只要代码中包含finally子句,则无论try或catch语句块中包含什么样的代码——甚至return语句,都不会阻...
} finally { return 0; } } testFinally(); //0 这个函数在try-catch语句的每一部分都放了一条return语句。表面上看,调用这个函数会返回2,因为返回2个return语句位于try语句块中,而执行该语句又不会出错。可是,由于最后还有一个finally子句,结果就会导致该return语句被忽略,也就是说,调用这个函数只能返回0,如...
You can use thetrystatement in any of the following forms:try-catch- to handle exceptions that might occur during execution of the code inside atryblock,try-finally- to specify the code that is executed when control leaves thetryblock, andtry-catch-finally- as a combination of the preceding...