Try before you buy is a shopping model that lets customers test products before paying for them. It allows shoppers to receive and use items for a set period, then decide whether to keep and pay for them or return them without charge. What does try it before you buy it mean? Try it ...
Amazon 的Try Before You Buy是其 Prime 会员计划专享的一个福利,允许我们挑选几件商品先试用/试穿,满意后再购买,不满意则直接退还不收费。 特色如下: Prime 会员完全免费使用; 挑选好商品后会寄到家,然后有7 天的试用期,试用期到期时可以选择保留或退还(如果都不满意全部退还也可以); 试用不收费,只有选择留下...
Define Try before you buy. Try before you buy synonyms, Try before you buy pronunciation, Try before you buy translation, English dictionary definition of Try before you buy. n. Copyrighted software that is available free of charge on a trial basis, usua
When it comes to replenishing my wardrobe, I have little patience for the careful selection of clothes for style and fit (this should come as no surprise). Instead, I am one of those who buys a job-lot of clothes once or twice a year to see me through th
据外媒报道,亚马逊英国站正式推出了Prime Wardrobe服务,允许消费者“先试后买(try before you buy)”。 Prime会员可以免费购买时尚产品,在家里试穿,然后只购买他们决定保留的商品。 会员可选择三至八项免费送货服务,无需预付任何费用。一收到订单,购物者就有七天的时间来决定他们喜欢什么,然后只付他们想要的钱,然后...
亚马逊这个是亚马逊发一个邮件给你的。告诉你那些产品被选上了。 你要是想取消也是通过他发给你的邮件的。链接取消的。 我之前就是07款的选上了。尝试了半个月,出了19单。然后我就关掉了。 今天我去查那些订单。…
Try before you buy lets customers try products in their home before completing payment. Learn more about how to implement try before you buy at your retail store.
Try before you buy. Treat yourself to something new! Curious about our iconic formulas or latest launches? Most Clarins products are available in free sample sizes—yours to try every time you place an order. My products are my best ambassadors.”...
我觉得正确的理解是:帮你Try,Before you buy;整个句子中文意思就是,在你买之前,帮你试试;因为后面这一句“Before you buy”语法上来说,完全也是中式英语,所以前面就是中文的谐音,也正符合TESTV的这个团队的性质,说到这里,楼上的应该是不知道这句话是源于TESTV的吧?玩百度十年了都,我是...