TRX PRO Suspension Trainer System: Highest Quality Design & Durability| Includes Three Anchor Solutions, 8 Video Workouts & 8-Week Workout Program 悬架式健身训练器套装,美国亚马逊热销,168人4.5星好评,原价$199.95,现金盒特价6折,美亚子公司WOOT出售,美亚发货。 金盒特价 TRX PRO3 悬架式健身训练器套装,...
The Pro TRX model was developed to meet the needs of professional trainers. Includes: • TRX Commercial Suspension Trainer •TRX Door anchor •TRX Extender TRX Strong Model The all-in-one fitness solution for the beginner to the elite athlete. The TRX® STRONG Suspension Trainer™ featur...
The Pro TRX model was developed to meet the needs of professional trainers. Includes: • TRX Commercial Suspension Trainer • TRX Door anchor • TRX Extender TRX Strong Model The all-in-one fitness solution for the beginner to the elite athlete. The TRX® STRONG Suspension Trainer™ fe...
TRX Door Anchor This easy-to-use, take-it-anywhere anchor affixes to any solid door and won't damage paint or wood. You don't need a gym to get a full TRX® workout. You just need a door, and the TRX® Door Anchor.
Find out all of the information about the TRX Training product: suspension trainer TRX® HOME2 . Contact a supplier or the parent company directly to get a quote or to find out a price or your closest point of sale.
6 TRX Suspension Trainers 1 Basic Training DVD What is TRX Suspension Training? Born in the U.S. Navy SEALs and developed by Fitness Anywhere®, Suspension Training® is a revolutionary method of leveraged bodyweight exercise. Easily set up the portable TRX® Suspension Trainer™ and you...
Find out all of the information about the TRX Training product: suspension trainer Trainer™. Contact a supplier or the parent company directly to get a quote or to find out a price or your closest point of sale.
他在海豹突击队担任了14年军官,是海豹突击队精英特遣部队的指挥官。之后进入斯坦福大学攻读MBA,在斯坦福大学运动员、教练员和教练员的帮助下,他精简了 Suspension Trainer 悬挂训练器,进一步完善了 TRX System 训练系统。 TRX受到广大健身爱好者的追捧, 此套训练体系出发点就是让健身训练大众化,让任何地方的每一个人...
TNT Pro Suspension Fitness Trainer (Yellow) THERABAND CLX Resistance Band, Loops, Home Exercise, Level 6, Black, Special Heavy, 7.3 lbs. Resistance, 5 Foot Options From $14.43THERABAND CLX Resistance Band, Loops, Home Exercise, Level 6, Black, Special Heavy, 7.3 lbs. Resistance, 5 Foot ...
Your Workout: TRX Suspension Trainer - BurpeesWilson, Gail