TRX功能性训练 Strength Band Push Ups Slam Ball Slams TRX Side Plank #TRX训练动作#
About TRX Exercise:Another version of the deltoidfly, this exercise is going to have you split the straps as you pull yourself up. One arm will go straight up over your head, and the other will go straight down by your waist. You will alternate hands each time and stand with aslightlys...
系统标签: trxtrainingphysical体能训练suspension trx体能训练系统(TRXphysicalfitnesstrainingsystem) TheTRXphysicalfitnesssystemoriginatedfromtheUSNavy commando TRXphysicalfitnesstrainingsystemsource:intheU.S. militaryphysicaltrainingsystem,therehavebeenmanyclassic trainingprops.Inthelastcenturyin80s,madeahighdensity fiber...