Leo 23rd Junl - 22nd Aug Virgo 23th Aug -22nd Sep Libra 23rd Sep - 22nd Oct Scorpio 23rd Oct - 21st Nov Sagittarius 22nd Nov - 21st Dec Capricorn 22nd Dec - 19th Jan Aquarius 20th Jan - 18th Feb Pisces 19th Feb - 20th Mar
Recognize The Beneficiary Planet In a same way, if one can recognize the beneficiary planet, then one can also make huge profit from once business. So, if person’s ascendent is Aries then Saturn, if Taurus then Jupiter; if Gemini then Mars; if Cancer then Venus; if Leo then Mercury; ...
Tr Uranus moving into Gemini after mid 2025 won’t reach the USA Uranus Return until 2027 which is when tr Pluto is opposition the Leo North Node – the latter may sound obscure but it is a sensitive trigger point for the USA’s ambitions to be seen as the world’s superpower. The US...
October 15, 2024 Little Star Shines in 35th Leo Club Inter School Table Tennis Tournament The Anil Sarita Tongya 35th Leo Club inter-school table tennis tournament, organised by the Leo Club of Dimapur, concluded on October 6. In Girls Singles: Elita A. Sangtam (Little Star Higher Secondary ...
5D is understanding the multi-dimensional ways we are meant to be living. It is knowing we are a Source Creator, here as a Divine Being, and tapping into all of the many layers and planes of existence that exist in our Universe. In the “3D Dive to the 5D Thrive” many are also ut...
To intensify this natal chart placement, with his 29 degrees Leo Ascendant (a.k.a Rising Sign), he has a natal Mars at 26 degrees Leo. When a planet like Mars is conjunct (an astrological aspect that is close to or at the same mathematical degree point) to the Ascendant, it will sim...
M. Lau; Leo Ou-Fan Lee; Helmut Martin; John Minford; William Tay; David D. W. Wang; Wong Wai-Leung. M. E. Sharpe, Inc., 1990 Read preview Scientism and Values Helmut Schoeck; James W. Wiggins. Van Nostrand, 1960 Read preview Comparative Literature: Method and Perspective ...
At that time Jupiter was transiting in the Leo sign over 2nd house and Saturn and Venus. It is typical of Cancer born persons to be devoted and loyal towards their partners and Hema Malini has proved that. Her Sun sign is Virgo and Virgos do not seek a temporary relation rather a ...
Leo Mars in Libra transit affects your 3rd house. It is a house of younger brother-sister, will power, courage, passion, valour, curiosity, and energy. The transit is good for you. It will grant you a boon of good health and materialistic gains. The spouse and kids will give love and...
People born under Leo are born leaders. They are loving and loyal, but are also head-strong and possessive. For Leo, 2019 will be better from the health point of view. It also looks better than last year on the financial front, job front and for the students. It is not favorable for...