Truth or dare is the perfect time to ask those risky questions that can turn a crush into a relationship. And you want to make sure you’ve got the best truths to ask a girl or guy because that’s when things get interesting and you can send the crowd (your mates in the room) wil...
Guys have fragile egos too, you know. It’s not easy for them to put their ego on the line and ask a girl out. They always run the risk of getting rejected. And almost no human likes to be rejected, right? So, it’s a big relief to them that they don’t have to face...
The more specific the information you can provide to the prospect, the better: always ask them for email addresses. And never, ever ask if it is a good time to talk. It’s important to acknowledge that not all phone calls result in data and quality conversations. If a buyer’s attitude...
You're going to hate hearing this. My only defense is that this is what I wish somebody had said to me around 1995 or so. December 17, 2012 Jason Pargin 2022, motherfuckers. Yeah! LET'S DO THIS. "Do what?" you ask. I DON'T KNOW. LET'S FIGURE THAT OUT TOGETHER, MOTHER...
Here’s how to understand a man: The 25 truths you need to discover Conclusion Ask the Expert Share Your Tips We’ve heard this: “Men are from Mars, and women are from Venus.” Let’s say you haven’t, but one thing is for sure, you know that men and women are wired differently...
This is actually pretty unfortunate because I have a reasonable amount of research work to do. I have an informal 2-page document to send to my committee with a few thesis project updates. Ask me how far I’ve gotten with it? *waits for you to ask* That’s right you guessed it—now...
"Do what?" you ask. I DON'T KNOW.LET'S FIGURE THAT OUT TOGETHER, MOTHERFUCKERS. Feel free to stop reading this if your career is going great, you're thrilled with your life, and you're happy with your relationships. Enjoy the rest of your day, friend, this article is not for you...