The energies of the two numbers combine synergistically to give the number 211 its spiritual meanings. So, we can deduce the symbolism of angel number 211 by understanding the vibrations represented by digits 2 and 1. Now, the number 2 symbolizes hope, faith, and trust. The reason you’re ...
weeks old—while another fixes her ID badge at the collar and two others talk quietly—while half-built skyscrapers slide behind grey girders, old trestles against dappled grey clouds in the late spring sky—while noses dive into magazines and books and fingers dance on touch screens, eyes st...
‘~ ~p=~p’, it wouldbe inconsistent to combineourtruth-tabular explanationof it with the secondrule. For in that case we would say thatthe truth-table has been misunderstood--as every logic-tutor will confirm. ByWittgenstein's own lights, the truth-tabularexplanation is a rule, and to ...
This table is verbose, but it has the same meaning as the explanation above.When used informally, the word or can have one of two meanings:The exclusive or is how or is used in the phrase “You can file for an extension or submit your homework on time.” In this case, you can’t...
The blue man ascends (resurrection) in front of the female at the center of the table. A female Jesus, at the Last Supper before His death, then changes into the blue man. He was on a platter, presumably dead, then rises up, resurrected. He gives us the peace sign. He is also spe...
nor to our tongues like them which make table-talk of religion, but toour hearts, that we may say with the virgin, “My heart doth magnify the Lord,” Luke 1:46—and the heart will apply it to the ear and to the tongue, as Christ saith, “Out of the abundance of the heart the...
It appears not on the stage but in the behindthe-stage implied by the invisible text; something there but not representable, or representable only as a tension between the seen and the unseen. This interplay between interior and exterior space parallels 71. Poetics 6. 1450a 2ff. ...
Go to table of contents If you want to change the world, start with yourself. —Mahatma Gandhi 333 Where there is love there is life. —Mahatma Gandhi 234 A coward is incapable of exhibiting love; it is theprerogative of the brave. —Mahatma Gandhi ...
And he literally said, ‘Look, sit with me and let’s do this together.’ And so we scripted them together, and we cast them together, and we staged them together and everything, picking the food on the table, we did together.” The casting for the first video, “We’re Not Gonna...
2. MECHANICAL CLOCK: Based on the rejection of the Genesis story: the universe is a machine that started with a Big Bang: life is random, meaningless, a bunch of balls on a billiard table. Yet the assumptions from the first model remain: man stole the king’s crown, but continues to ...