Truth Social (DJT) has a Smart Score of 1 based on an analysis of 8 unique data sets, including Analyst Recommendations, Crowd Wisdom, and Hedge Fund Activity.
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Former President Trump will find out Friday if his social media platform Truth Social will be green-lighted to be traded on the Nasdaq stock market. A vote will take place on whether Trump’s media company, Trump Media & Technology Group, which operates his Truth Social site, can merg...
特朗普创办的社交媒体平台Truth Social在上市前股价上涨,估值达60亿美元,特朗普持股约35亿美元,有助于缓解特朗普面临的经济压力,并助力其今年的选战。Truth Social是特朗普在2021年被封禁后创办的社交媒体平台,尽管其财务状况并不理想,但数以万计的投资者仍在购买该公司股票表达对特朗普的支持。特朗普持有约35亿美元的股...
Shares of Trump Media & Technology Group Corp., ex-president Donald Trump’s media company—which owns Truth Social—will begin publicly trading when stock markets open today. The firm is set to be one of the most politically charged public listings in memory. Here’s what you need to know...
该公司是特朗普社交媒体平台Truth Social的母公司,该公司在2月份表示,合并完成后,特朗普将拥有该公司的78,750,000股股份。 Based on current prices, the value of Trump's stake has ballooned by $2.67 billion since the closing was announced. 根据目前的价格,自宣布收盘以来,特朗普的股份价值已经激增了26.7...
特朗普媒体科技集团的主营业务是社交媒体平台Truth Social,在国会山事件后特朗普寻求维持曝光的初衷最终走到上市这一步。 截至发稿,DWAC周一上涨近30%左右,按照特朗普持有上市后公司近6成股权推算,他的股票价值超过30亿美元。 然而,等到6个月限售期结束后,这个30亿美元还能剩多少并不明朗。Truth Social在2023年前9个...
And with Trump free to go anywhere, could this mean he'll return to his favorite hunting grounds of X-formerly-Twitter, abandoning the dying Truth Social? Who knows, but both Trump and X owner Elon Musk have one thing in common that they can talk about: falling stock prices. More on ...
特朗普媒体公司(Trump Media)作为DJT的实体,拥有Truth Social社交平台。美国前总统特朗普作为该公司的最大股东,持有近60%的股份。然而,该社交媒体的业绩并不理想,2023年特朗普传媒的总营收仅为410万美元,净亏损达到5800万美元。 DJT被认为是典型的“散户概念股”,受到散户投资者的炒作,导致股价暴涨暴跌,脱离基本面。
The Truth Social owner dropped by another 8% on Monday, adding to a brutal week that wiped out a third of the stock’s value. The selloff has shrunk former President Donald Trump’s stake in the controversial company to about $2.9 billion. That’s down sharply from a...