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You will see equalization payments here along with the Health and Social transfers, which are often ignored. That is important. (Why there should be Health and Social transfers is another question. To wit, why should the provinces bother sending money to Ottawa that they would otherwise just ge...
She is banned on social media and can rarely ever get a comment through to the person whom she writes to. Google threatens her. FB blocks her. And Truth remains hidden. These websites are the only place she and I are not censored. Yet we don’t get much SEO from Gog. (google) Ye...
In line with prophecy many of the great Catholic religion have sided with the beast systems mandates and social requirements. All Catholics are not corrupt. But clearly some are. The Archbishop I greatly respect. He does not mince words in this video. He is the ONLY PERSON I have seen stan...
Encourage customers to share their photographs with your products as well as ratings and reviewson relevant social media platforms. If you want to use photographs, videos or recordings of your audience and participants, make sure to get their permission in advance. ...
Economists for example write, quite often that too much saving is harmful, ignoring the social benefits should disaster befall an individual or family. 2022 has seen the reticence left from the last financial crash and now substantial price rises. ...
s will be cured by simply opening up our “Granmother’s and Grandfather’s recipe books” just like the research dear Dr. Virginia Livingston achieved…..truly a nominated posthumous receiver of the Nobel Peace Price……but hey that can never happen as they gave this award to ex-President...
Whether you know it or not, you are conveniently stashed into a social/political cubby hole. Which stereotype YOU fall in to? You will never know, because a team of analysts have decided who and what you are. They feed their findings into a computer and design their ideal political robot...