Here is the official bill summary; note how the sponsors added interracial marriage to the language, a not-too-subtle dig at social conservatives who overwhelmingly support marriages between man and woman, of any color or ethnicity, but who reject the modern LGBTQ/”progressive” notion that two...
The pursuit of a white boyfriend is so intense that many gay Asian men would sooner date a much older white male partner than another Asian. Asian and Friends and the Long Yang Club are both social organizations with numerous chapters around the world that are designed for Asian men to meet...
"You can never count President Trump out — either electorally or in terms of social platforms," he said.
Hello, I need to have an If-Then statement where there are two truth statements, but its not working, something like this: If(G3>F3, G3-F3 and F4=0, F3-G3) Wherein both G3 minus F3 and F4+0 would happen in the condition G3>F3 was true Any ideas of how to type it in?
So, students are very good at using social media, but they’re not very good at understanding it, and why would they be? Because we have to teach them how that data is being used — why Facebook or Twitter or Snapchat or TikTok are free, and what they want you to do, why engage...
But Baker repeatedly made these false allegations against Captain Rosenow in social media as well as in several declarations in Baker’s case against me. As they say, Karma is a bitch! Here is Clark Baker’s attempt to legally plead the 5th Amendment against self incrimination regrading Judge...
Simply add a link to on your blog, tell your friends about Tordol on your fave social site, or even make a Vine, Youtube or Instagram post that tells others why you like!Be sure to include the address ( in the details of your post ...
6.) Workouts Interfering with Cuddling – When you’re in a good relationship, it’s normal to want to spend as much time with that person as possible. I’m not condoning anti-social behavior but wanting to cuddle rather than doing most things you do to fill up your time is understandab...
From books such as Robert Putnam’sBowling Alone, I also appreciated that these institutions, vital sources of social capital, were being worn down by various forces in modern life. However, I have only recently come to appreciate the fact that the size and scope of government is prone to ...
is a member of the Moderate Party, traditionally seen as a business-friendly party opposed to the ruling Social Democrats. He is calling for a “pause” to accepting applications for asylum. While he speaks of economic benefits he says there’s a need to foster better “social integration”....