由特朗普媒体和技术集团创建和认可的社交媒体平台Truth Social在Google Play Store上并没有出现。美国近一半的智能手机无法下载该应用。Google母公司Alphabet Inc.的一位发言人证实,该公司尚未批准Truth Social应用通过Google Play Store发布。 当被问及Truth Social应用没有出现在Google Play Store时,该社交媒体平台的CEO...
Google审查了Truth Social最新提交给Play Store的文件后发现有多处违反政策,另外还于8月19日通知Truth Social。此外,Google还知会Truth Social如何解决这些问题以便在Play Store上上线。 Google发言人在一份声明中说道:“上周,Truth Social回信确认了我们的反馈并表示他们正在努力解决这些问题。”双方之间的这种沟通是在Nu...
Google母公司Alphabet Inc.的一位发言人证实,该公司尚未批准Truth Social应用通过Google Play Store发布。 当被问及Truth Social应用没有出现在Google Play Store时,该社交媒体平台的CEO Devin Nunes表示决定权在Google手上。上周,他暗示是Google而不是Truth Social的政策阻碍了该应用的发布:“我们什么时候能在Android系...
美港电讯APP 8月31日讯,Truth Social首席执行官Devin Nunes上周声称,该应用的安卓版已经准备就绪,正在等待谷歌的批准。然而,谷歌发言人在一份声明中说,该平台缺乏符合Google Play应用商店服务条款所需的“有效”内容审核。该发言人称:"8月19日,我们通知Truth Social,他们目前提交的应用中有几处违反了标准政策,并重...
当谈到政策,Google称该应用缺乏有效的系统来调节和禁止特定的用户生成的内容,如人身威胁和煽动暴力。简单地说,Truth Social违反了Store的服务条款。 在内容问题得到解决之前,Google将不允许Truth Social应用在Play Store上线。该平台已经承认Google的担忧并补充称自己正在努力解决这些问题。这家搜索巨头进一步表示,它已经清楚...
Google Play 拒绝上架特朗普的 Truth Social 社交平台,Google 称该平台违反了其有关禁止人身威胁和煽动暴力的内容政策。Truth Social CEO Devin Nunes 此前曾指控 Google 垄断。Truth Social 在今年二月上架 App Store,但一直没有上架 Google Play。Google 表示上架 Truth Social 是否在于遵守其规定,它在 8 月 19 ...
"When are we going to be available on Android? Well, look, that's up to the Google Play store," said Truth Social CEO Devin Nunes in an Aug. 26 appearance on the right-wing media outlet, Real America's Voice. "I mean we're waiting on them to approve us and…I don't know what...
Fetterman appears to be the first Democratic senator to join Trump’s social media site, Politico reports. And in his first post, he called Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg’s hush money case against Trump “total bullshit.” As Politico notes, Fetterman has be
Truth Social, the social media platform backed by former president Donald Trump, aims to provide an "open, free and honest global conversation." But one place would-be users won't be free to access the service is on Google's Play store. The internet giant says it isn't allowing download...
“even submitted an android app to google to review for play store approval.” nevertheless, trump continues to labor under the idea that this is personal. “he keeps hearing about how google and youtube have it out for him…including on truth social, and i think he’s taking [it] ...