Google审查了Truth Social最新提交给Play Store的文件后发现有多处违反政策,另外还于8月19日通知Truth Social。此外,Google还知会Truth Social如何解决这些问题以便在Play Store上上线。 Google发言人在一份声明中说道:“上周,Truth Social回信确认了我们的反馈并表示他们正在努力解决这些问题。”双方之间的这种沟通是在Nu...
Google母公司Alphabet Inc.的一位发言人证实,该公司尚未批准Truth Social应用通过Google Play Store发布。 当被问及Truth Social应用没有出现在Google Play Store时,该社交媒体平台的CEO Devin Nunes表示决定权在Google手上。上周,他暗示是Google而不是Truth Social的政策阻碍了该应用的发布:“我们什么时候能在Android系...
钛媒体App 8月31日消息,谷歌发言人周二表示,美国前总统特朗普自创的社交平台真相社交(Truth Social)由于内容审核方面存在问题,因此未能获准在Google Play应用程序商店上架。谷歌声明称,在8月19日,我们已经通知了真相社交,他们提交的应用程序中有几处违反了标准政策。在内容审核问题得到解决之前,谷歌不会让这款应用上线。
美港电讯APP 8月31日讯,Truth Social首席执行官Devin Nunes上周声称,该应用的安卓版已经准备就绪,正在等待谷歌的批准。然而,谷歌发言人在一份声明中说,该平台缺乏符合Google Play应用商店服务条款所需的“有效”内容审核。该发言人称:"8月19日,我们通知Truth Social,他们目前提交的应用中有几处违反了标准政策,并重...
Truth Social, the Twitter-like social network backed by former President Donald Trump, remains unavailable on Google’s Android app store because of deficiencies in the app’s content moderation systems, according to a Google spokesperson.The app favored by many of Trump’s supporters still has ...
Truth Social, the Twitter-like social network backed by former President Donald Trump, remains unavailable on Google’s Android app store because of deficiencies in the app’s content moderation systems, according to a Google spokesperson. The app favored by many of Trump’s supporters still has ...
In a post on the platform, Nunes also said Truth Social has not yet been approved for launch in the Google Play store for Android devices. "End of May we will launch PWA (Web Browser) this will allow access from any device," Nunes wrote. "After that we will l...
统计周期内,美国前总统特朗普支持的《Truth Social》因谷歌方面的批准上架,也迎来一波下载高峰,预估下载量约17万,这款社交媒体应用程序先前因内容审核问题而被禁止进入Google Play商店,现用户已可在安卓手机上使用。美国Google Play 收入榜Top30 统计周期内,排名涨幅最高的应用为漫威手游《MARVEL Strike Force》(...
Android TV owners can now download the Truth+ app directly to their TV sets from the Google Play Store for Android TVs, then sign in by using their mobile phones to scan a QR code from their TV sets or by using a passcode. Users without a Truth Social account can create one during th...
已在友邻优课app上线 朗读版音频,跟读打分,点击查词 更多贴心功能,提升你的练习效果 扫码下载app,立刻升级你的晨读体验 今日新闻 ▍原文 Truth Social, the Twitter-like social networkbackedbyformerPresident Donald Trump,remainsunavailable on Goog...