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Scriptureoftruth–theevidenceofprophecy Contents目录 ▪Evidencesofinspiration神的默示的证据▪Propheticproof预言的证据▪“Scientifichistory”“科学的历史”▪Israelinprophecy–Deuteronomy28 预言中的以色列—申命记第28章 ▪Israelinprophecy–otherscriptures 预言中的以色列—其他经文 ▪Thelessonsforus我们学到...
Syria, and its ancient capital Damascus, is a key player in Bible prophecy. As one of the oldest cities in the world, Damascus is mentioned repeatedly in the Scriptures, often as a focus of God’s judgment and a stage for major historical and spiritual battles. The Bible foretells Damascus...
In the Scriptures God has revealed Himself and the way of salvation.The Holy Scriptures alone are sufficient, certain and infallible in the copies of the original manuscripts (that is, they cannot make a mistake) to communicate the truth that must be believed, trusted and obeyed in order to ...
s foundational profession of faith in the inerrancy of the Sacred Scriptures as the inspired Word of God. What I would like to add to this is simply a reflection upon how even on a natural level of understanding, on the level of common sense, the Sacred Scriptures strike the reader in a...
OnlyHecan show. Wrestle with the Scriptures — His flesh and body of work — and wait for Him to reveal. Jacob was left alone, and a man wrestled with him until daybreak.Gen 32:24 Then He opened their minds to understand the ScripturesLk 24:45 ...
into the Living Logos, splashing around in the Holy Scriptures and drenching our hearts with the power of His Word. Those hashtags and witty sayings are wonderful as reminders, but apart from theactive muscle of the word of Godthey cannot strengthen, sharpen or sustain us. They will fall ...
We are right to ask this question, and we are right to seek out the answer. In The Spirit of Truth, author, artist, poet, mother of four and grandmother of three, Sandra Mackey offers guidance as we study the Scriptures to understand the truth about God's Holy Spirit.Sandra Mackey...
Expansion—ItAll Seems to Diminish Into Nothing—Say Perhaps, into a"Black Hole". These Perceived Observations and Theories of Scientists Only Demonstrate to us, that ThisEarth and All in it, Must be Relinquished—after a while. It Proves what Jesus and the Scriptures Reveal about GOD and...
. . . The inspiration of the original scriptures is what we affirm; and this an entirely different question from the accuracy with which copies of them have been preserved. Pastors and theologians did not use together the two words, “original manuscripts,” until the 19th century and then,...