Think back to some of the lyrics of the songs you listened to when you were young and see their influence on your life. When we memorize words, they get into our heart and effect our spirit. They can change the direction of your whole live, for the good or the bad. I hope you wil...
Truth, Money, and Justice: The New Political Economy of Rap LyricsGosa, Travis L
she'd first learned how to quickly develop a cohesive musical project during a time of emotional turmoil with her mixtape "Number 1 Angel." She toldNME, "It's just songs that me and [producer] AG Cook made in two weeks in LA when I was, like, feeling really...
the faxes, the phone calls from everybody in the metal community: 'Rob, we just don't care. We want you to be who you are. We want you to sing those songs. We wanna come see you.' And that was a tremendously uplifting moment for me. And...
although often resolving into more chaos (which had the odd effect of making it seem both more scripted and more authentic). If you have memories of seventies and eighties professional wrestling, you might find this fun; if not, it may be sort of horrifying. In any event, don’t try thi...
America, Take a Knee … with Liberty and Justice for All. Posted onOctober 17, 2017byPatricia Byrne America, take a knee for those who are being treated as less-than in the eyes of our present system, including: People of color
In light of the recent Supreme Court decision which made the Defense of Marriage Act unconstitutional, Christians have reason to be worried. Justice Kennedy was loud and clear when he wrote that the only possible motive to be against gay marriage is hatred. That was codified talk by Kennedy ta...
Think back to some of the lyrics of the songs you listened to when you were young and see their influence on your life. When we memorize words, they get into our heart and effect our spirit. They can change the direction of your whole live, for the good or the bad. I hope you wil...