About Truth and Reconciliation Day: The National Day of Truth and Reconciliation, previously known as Orange Shirt Day, observed annually on September 30, is a day to honour and remember the Indigenous children who were sent away to residential schools in Canada, ...
As this new holiday for National Day for Truth and Reconciliation is on the last day of September it will have, perhaps unexpected, implications since no other holiday is on the last day of any month. Real estate purchase and sale closing dates could be affected according to the Canadian Rea...
"Enshrining National Day for Truth and Reconciliation in B.C. law will give more people the chance to commemorate the history and legacy of the residential school system on September 30 each year," wrote the provincial government, adding that this will be done by creating a new act — the ...
Friday is the second annual National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, also known as Orange Shirt Day. The federal government made Sept. 30 a statutory holiday for its workers and federally regulated workplaces last year. And it is up to each province and territory t...
2020. Special interview on Reclaim Your Lives together with Paul Seils, European Institute of Peace and leader of the Conflict Justice and Reconciliation program, host Imani Mamalution, Indonesia. 2020. Special guest on Weird Tales Radio, with host Charles Christian, UK. ...
In March 2023, Edmonton city council designated Sept. 30th a civic holiday. British Columbia On March 9th, 2023, British Columbia’s Bill 2, National Day for Truth and Reconciliation Act (Bill 2) received Royal Assent. Bill 2 came into force on the date of Royal Assent. ...
Purity, dichotomy, and reconciliation? Authority, willingness, and medium? More compounding yet, the beloved creation is created in this image: paradox—diversity—bonded polarity, which is reflected even down creation’s molecule! “What then?” ask fewer still. “What is right amidst mystery ...
For all Christians Lent is a time to renew ourselves in penance, prayer, and good works. For Roman Catholics it is also a moment for formal repentance of sins in the Sacrament of Reconciliation, for how can we come to the Easter Banquet with the road’s dust and dirt clinging to us?
or the tensions between documentary and fictional space as exemplified by the use of animals on screen, our minds search for truth by reconciling these tensions through a process of meaning construction. At the heart of such reconciliation is the concept of the middle ground, that stable centrifug...
relationship." As for a Hausburg and Gomes reconciliation, the reality star said, "[My ex] Brandon and I had some really good times but ultimately, it was more of a childish relationship. There was no future there and these are conversations I have with Ish and it's a lot more ...