(Sir James Jeans, 1942)Mathematics is the only good metaphysics. (William Thomson Baron Kelvin)The idea that something can be both a wave and a particle defies imagination, but the existence of this wave-particle "duality" is not in doubt. ... It is impossible to visualize a wave-...
ZDNet's Dan Farber dismisses the idea as "pretzel logic": Google did a distribution deal with Sun recently, its CEO joins Apple's board -- Sun + Google, Google + Apple, therefore Sun + Apple? The math hardly stands up.It helps to remember that rumors of an Apple-Sun deal are almost...
Only a few weeks since 21-year-old hacker Jeanson Ancheta was sentenced to 57 months in prison for hijacking 400,000 computers and renting them out to spammers, another so-called botnet scam has been uncovered. According to Help Net Security, PandaLabs has busted a bot called Clickbot.A ...