Tithing, The Truth About Tithing And The Tithe - Fact vs. Fiction. Free, complete study on tithing!
Is tithing for the Church Biblical? This article examines all the scriptural references regarding tithing. The result of this study will be surprising if not "shocking" to many in the Church today. Is the Christian a Sinner? We find the term “sinner” used exclusively in Scripture of those...
Tithing in Light of Christ Fulfilling The Law This 6-part series takes a look at all 17 passages in Scripture which speak of tithing. It also covers tithing in Church history and what the New Testament says about giving. Learn More ...
And I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips; For my eyes have seen the King, The LORD of hosts.” Then one of the seraphim flew to me, having in his hand a live coal which he had taken with the tongs from the altar. And he touched my mouth with it...
Pursuing Holiness in Your Everyday Choices Creating a Bible Study Routine that Fits Your Schedule How to Apply Biblical Principles in Leadership? Starting Your Day with God: Morning Prayer Tips Tithing and Generosity: The Blessings of Giving ...
I think it is very important that you know that I was a faithful tither at both of those churches. Every single paycheck that I have received, I gave 10% of my gross income (yes gross, not net – I was fanatical about tithing) without blinking an eye. I even gave tithes off of ...
In fact, there’s not a single use of those Greek words in the New Testament, or in the context of the common vernacular of the day when the New Testament was written, which even hint at such a thing. Nope, not, nada … Just ain’t there. ...
about originating the booklet “Has Time Been Lost” — and here’s the thing about that: When you lie, you had better remember doing it, because in this case, the Worldwide Church of God went to sue the Church of God Seventh Day for copyright violation and the CoG7 pulled out the ...
Tithing in Light of Christ Fulfilling The Law This 6-part series takes a look at all 17 passages in Scripture which speak of tithing. It also covers tithing in Church history and what the New Testament says about giving. Learn More ...