Define trustworthy. trustworthy synonyms, trustworthy pronunciation, trustworthy translation, English dictionary definition of trustworthy. adj. trust·wor·thi·er , trust·wor·thi·est Warranting trust; reliable. See Synonyms at reliable. trust′wor′
1658, in the meaning definedabove Time Traveler The first known use oftrustworthywas in 1658 See more words from the same year Facebook Twitter Kids Definition trustworthy adjective trust·wor·thyˈtrəst-ˌwər-t͟hē
Trustworthy definition: deserving of trust or confidence; dependable; reliable. See examples of TRUSTWORTHY used in a sentence.
Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers:: trustworthy/ˈtrʌstˌwɜːðɪ/adj worthy of being trusted; honest, reliable, or dependable ˈtrustˌworthilyadvˈtrustˌworthinessn 'trustworthy' also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translat...
主要翻译 英语中文 trustworthyadj(can be trusted:[sb])(人)SCSimplified Chinese可信的,可靠的,信得过的kě xìn de ,kě kào de ,xìn dé guò de TCTraditional Chinese信得過的 The business owner was lucky to have trustworthy employees to keep things running smoothly in his absence. ...
Microsoft Trustworthy AI Today we launched the Microsoft Trustworthy AI initiative building from Microsoft’s AI leadership in responsible AI to include the full set of commitments and capabilities we offer across Security, Privacy, and Safety. We announced this comprehensive initiative at the kickoff ...
Table 2 Definition of symbol Full size table Solution Combination auctions integrate bids for multiple auction items and dynamically adjust the bids based on the auction situation to achieve the desired outcome. In our study, we consider the allocation of resources over different time periods as an...
At Microsoft, we comprehend the significance of trustworthy AI. We have formulated a comprehensive strategy for responsible and secure AI that zeroes in on addressing specific business challenges such as safeguarding data privacy, mitigating algorithmic bias, and maintaining transparency. This whitep...
What this may point to is we need to do a better job of figuring that out, whether it's a machine, organization, or person. A slightly different definition of trust, from the background I come from, is the willingness to be vulnerable to the actions of an actor you cannot directly co...
First, the trustworthiness of human computation as computing systems, that is, trust offered by humans to AI, is examined using the RAS (reliability, availability, and serviceability) analogy, which define measures of trustworthiness in conventional computer systems. Next, the social trustworthiness ...