This raised the administrative costs in the office, but without a full-time supervisor, was deemed necessary. Within the last couple years our board voted to increase the salary of that position by a very large amount $30-$40,000, if memory serves. Obviously, this person is to oversee ...
In 2007, after their first non-residential location became too small and inefficient, the company leased the space in the Manchaug Mills building, which at first was an issue with the post office. “We wanted to still be able to say that our products were produced in Sutton, but Manchaug...
In 2007, after their first non-residential location became too small and inefficient, the company leased the space in the Manchaug Mills building, which at first was an issue with the post office. “We wanted to still be able to say that our products were produced in Sutton, but Manchaug...
He attended the Third Thursday After-Hours events, which provided “an ideal opportunity to meet like-minded people in a sophisticated setting.†He was hooked. Soon Vaillancourt was asked to serve a recently completed six-year term on the WAM Members Council, eventually chairing...
As the Ahlquists tell it, the developers of the downtown property approached them about bringing a new or existing restaurant to the future office-retail space. “They were interested in getting local operators into the space,” Robb Ahlquist said. “So they came to us and said, ‘We’ve...