Customers are required to have a passport. Enrollment requires completing an online application, a background check, in-person visit to an enrollment center and a fee. For more information, see CBP Trusted Traveler Programs. Effective October 1, 2017, the U.S. Customs and Border Protection laun...
By clicking “I Agree” you consent to ourTerms of Service, agree not to use the information provided by for any unlawful purposes, and you understand that we cannot confirm that information provided below is accurate or complete. The search you are about to conduct on this ...
A valid passport or passport card, or a NEXUS card. ( A NEXUS card is a Trusted Traveler Program that provides quick travel for pre-approved, low risk travelers through special lanes .) A recent Washington State, New York or BC driver’s license. Note: Children 15 years of age and youn...
kioskssituated at the top 20 majorU.S. international airportsto enter the U.S. after providing their passport information to CBP. To use the Global Entry kiosks, you must use a validmachine readable passport. For details about more advantages ofNEXUS card, please see theNEXUS Program Benefits...
A valid passport or passport card, or a NEXUS card. ( A NEXUS card is a Trusted Traveler Program that provides quick travel for pre-approved, low risk travelers through special lanes .) A recent Washington State, New York or BC driver’s license. Note: Children 15 years of age and youn...