A trusted platform module (TPM) is a small chip on a computerʻs motherboard that secures hardware using cryptographic keys. A TPM chip includes a variety of physical security mechanisms, making it tamper-resistant. TPMs can be software-based, firmware-based, physical-based, or discrete TPMs...
The storage root key is embedded in the Trusted Platform Module (TPM) security hardware.It is used to protect TPM keys created by applications so that these keys cannot be used without the TPM. Unlike the endorsement key (which is generally created when the TPM is manufactured),the storage r...
A trusted platform module (TPM) is a type of secure cryptoprocessor, which is a specialized chip used to carry out cryptographic operations like the storing of encryption keys to secure information which is usually used by the host system to authenticate hardware. The information stored does not...
TCG)制定的TPM(Trusted Platform Module,可信赖平台模块)标准的安全芯片,它能有效地保护PC、防止非法用...
TPM,Trusted Platform Module(可信平台模块)可信赖平台模块 (TPM) 是一种小型芯片,能让计算机使用进阶的安全性功能,如: 磁盘驱动器加密。近年来,TPM 已内建在一些较新型的计算机中。如果需要查看计算机是否有这种功能,请洽原购买商或是该品牌的官方网站.,以确认您的计算机是否有配备 TPM。配备可信赖...
OPTIGA™ TPM(Trusted Platform Module,可信平台模块)系列包含多种安全控制器,能保护嵌入式设备与系统的完整性和可靠性。借助安全密钥存储和对多种加密算法的支持,OPTIGA™ TPM以其丰富的功能为关键数据和进程提供了强大的保护。 OPTIGA™TPM安全控制器非常适合运行在Windows和Linux(及其衍生产品)*平台。该系列基...
OPTIGA™ TPM(Trusted Platform Module,可信平台模块)系列包含多种安全控制器,能保护嵌入式设备与系统的完整性和可靠性。借助安全密钥存储和对多种加密算法的支持,OPTIGA™ TPM以其丰富的功能为关键数据和进程提供了强大的保护。 OPTIGA™TPM安全控制器非常适合运行在Windows和Linux(及其衍生产...
Dieses Thema enthält Empfehlungen für die TPM (Trusted Platform Module)-Technologie für Windows 10.Minimale TPM-Anforderungen, siehe Mindesthardwareanforderungen TPM-Empfehlungen (TechNET)Zusätzliche Ressourcen Training Modul Explore device encryption features - Training This module e...
1. 平台模块 ...增强的原因就在于其内置了生物指纹传感器,嵌入式受信平台模块(Trusted Platform Module TPM),还有安全程序控制面 … www.mydigi.net|基于3个网页 2. 可信任安全平台模组 ... 完全控制( full control)可信任安全平台模组(Trusted Platform Module TPM) 已经部署的打印机( deployed printers) ......