这个是联想安全芯片的驱动,去联想官网有,http://think.lenovo.com.cn/ 在这里输入你的电脑主机编号,就是那个S/N编号,在笔记本的底座上贴着,然后根据你的系统找到它下载安装,最好安装到你装系统的那个盘。
可信平台模块(Trusted Platform Module)安全芯片,是指符合TPM(可信赖平台模块)标准的安全芯片,它能有效地保护PC、防止非法用户访问。该芯片的规格由可信计算组(Trusted Computing Group)来制定。 中国国内研究的TCM(trusted cryptography module,可信密码模块),与之对应。
Windows 10 IoT Core Windows 10 IoT Core Overview Tutorials Quick Start Guide Hardware guidance Hardware development OS configuration Driver guidance Develop applications Debug applications Developer tools Connectivity Manage devices Secure devices Overview Secure Boot, BitLocker, and Device Guard Unified Write...
风格:Trusted Platform Module 操作系统:Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, 11 安装可选产品 - DriverDoc (Solvusoft) |最终用户许可协议|隐私政策|条款|卸载 Trusted Platform Module 更新常见问题 佳能母板驱动程序是什么实用程序 驱动程序是 STMicroelectronics 创建的迷你软件程序,允许您的Trusted Platform Module...
具体步骤 首先到官方下载驱动:http://think.lenovo.com.cn/support/driver/detail.aspx?docID=DR1218598176029&docTypeID=DOC_TYPE_DRIVER 解压到如下位置:C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\tpm 我的电脑,管理系统工具,设备管理器找到Winbond Trusted Platform Module 1.2这个有问题的系统设备,右键更新驱动...
Trusted Platform Module 这个是TPM安全芯片驱动,建议您去联想官网下载相应的驱动解决 驱动下载链接:http://support1.lenovo.com.cn/lenovo/wsi/Modules/Drive.aspx?intcmp=I_F_Driver 更多问题您可以咨询 Idea论坛:http://lenovobbs.lenovo.com.cn/forum.php?intcmp=FM_LBBS_baidureply Think论坛...
Not sure why Windows 10 didn't install this driver automatically. I'll investigate backing up and creating a new system image, just in case. It is good to hear that your system is back up and running as it should. I am a firm believer in ...
Not sure why Windows 10 didn't install this driver automatically. I'll investigate backing up and creating a new system image, just in case. It is good to hear that your system is back up and running as it should. I am a firm believer in having a sy...
(64或32位)系统,发布于2021/04/02 【如何更新和安装 戴尔 Broadcom Trusted Platform Module Driver 主板驱动】关于怎么更新和安装驱动,可以通过驱动精灵自动检测是否有可更新的驱动,用户可选择自主更新或者安装驱动【如何卸载 戴尔 Broadcom Trusted Platform Module Driver 主板驱动】关于怎么卸载驱动,已经安装好的驱动...