Digital Signature.A digital signature over a piece of content authenticates the identity of the signer and protects content integrity. Assuming that the underlay HIBE algorithm is CCA secure a digital signature scheme can be trivially constructed using the following two algorithms [3]: Sign: takes ...
SignTool Error: SignerSign() failed. (-2146893792/0x80090020) Signtool Error: The provided cross certificate would not be present in the certificate chain signtool.exe sometimes cannot use certificate due to private key filter Single Cert Server to two-tier PKI migration Smart Card (YubiKey...
Therefore, a receiver 𝑅R cannot tell the actual signer because the signers’ group 𝐴A is hidden in the larger group 𝐴∪𝐴́A∪A´. The receiver 𝑅R is sure that 𝑡t out of 𝑟r vehicles participated to generate the AVM but cannot identify them. The RRM generated by ...