Friendship- my definition- is built on two things. Respect and trust. Both elements have to be there. And it has to be mutual. You can have respect for someone, but if you don’t have trust, the friendship will crumble. ~Stieg Larsson,The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo Proudly powered by...
Legend has it that this tattoo once saved his life when he was accused of treason. The first two characters have come to create a word that means “serve the country faithfully” or “die for the country.” Note: It's more a willingness to die for one's country than the actual act ...
“Let it all be animal, my life and death, hard and clean like that, anything but human… a lot I care, me with my red heart in the dark earth and my tattooed feet following the animal ways.” Diary entry, 1963 — Vali Myers was a unique spirit born out of time. She lived her...
No. Okay. Uh, Frank, I have something here that I need to read to you from Barbara. Hmm. Frank, if your fat monkey heart is still beating, uh, then congratulations. I want you to know that I hear by leave all of your money to Bruce Mathis, the real father of my children....
My new one (tattoo) says 'Never a failure, always a lesson' and is kind of my mantra to life, just a reminder. My life is just a crazy rollercoaster every day and whenever I read that it just reassures me. —Rihanna 96 And for our fans, they're just crazy people anyway. I alwa...
I am good person and give from my heart and that is why we are so close. I dont like to hurt people, but seems I am always the one to get hurt from others. I also deal with depression weekly. So good days are good and others are terrible. I hate myself for who I am with ...