1、Trust the process. (相信过程。) ——萨姆-辛基 “trust the process(相信过程)”是前76人总经理萨姆-辛基的口号。 2013年夏天,辛基成为76人的新任总经理,他的建队哲学就是持续摆烂,直到攒够足够的高顺位新秀,从而咸鱼翻身。 在辛基担任总经理的三年里,76人的战绩分别是19胜63负、18胜64负和10胜72负。
满城齐喊“trust the process”那段,我人都酥了。
长期执教NBA的主教练史蒂夫·克利福德(Steve Clifford)是缅因州本地人,也曾是鲍勃·布朗的助手和同事。他曾这样形容鲍勃:“在缅因州,他绝对是一个传奇人物。” 鲍勃的儿子布雷特·布朗担任球队的首发控卫。他有着一头浓密的卷发,是那种不守规矩、喜欢捉弄人的孩子;而父亲鲍勃则坚信纪律和秩序。性格迥异的父子俩之间...
The Sixers quest to earn their first NBA title in decades continues at 8:30 p.m. Thursday. So, tune in and trust the process.
Paxton, Allen T.Iowa Law Review
Trust the process!【转发】@费城76人:首轮G2 #篮网vs76人# | 恩比德赛后采访- 「我感觉自己不止3个盖帽啊 这就是我每场追求的防守水准- 「我不是钟爱得分 我享受赢球 能赢我怎么样都行」76人超话#NBA季...
This study assumes the tournament incentives inherent in the National Basketball Association (NBA) based on a study by Taylor and Trogdon (2002). Incentive to tank or lose intentionally, which is encouraged by the reverse-order and lottery-based draft system of the NBA, is examined and validated...
A timeline of the "The Process" featuring some of the most important and pivotal dates during this era.
Menu All Watchlist Sign In EN Back Cast & crew IMDbProAll topics Plot Trust the Process Reply All Edit Summaries Hosts meet a dominatrix who dominates computers, instead of just people. Plus, the story of a man who hatches a plot to destroy a beloved NBA team, using the best advantage...
The producer of Trust The Process is Jay Swing. He likes sports a lot too and has been known to play the music at Vancouver Whitecaps games, Vancouver Canadians games and even Vancouver Canucks games (once upon a time). Go Team!